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Just Wanted To Say

Guest viking power

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Guest viking power

I've not posted for sometime on the board but i do read it regular, very interesting stuff.

the reason i wanted to post today is because I wanted to relay my news. As some may recall i had a nasty car accident on boxing day 2001, amongst the injuries that i suffered was to cut 4 of the finger tendons in my right hand via the wrist. one tendon never healed so i only have full use of three fingers.

i was told i would never get my grip back to how it was, and perhaps would be fortunate to recover average grip strength.

Well the doctors were wrong, after 13 months of hard work i just did a 130ft farmers walk with 100kg per hand on 1 1/4" handles, followed by a 130ft walk with 90kg per hand no straps. Can't tell you how good that felt.

Guess i wanted to just share this, and to show that doctors can be wrong and anything is possible if you want it hard enough.

Thanks for listening guys.

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Great job coming back from your injuries! Most guys would have quit training. True Viking Power !!! :rock


"Live long, stay strong" - C.F.B.

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Congrats to a fellow "Monkey Paw" :D

I can relate Viking Power, For I too had injuries to my right hand.

I give major kudos to the information I have learned from the

grip studs on the board to restore a huge improvement in my

hand strength. Grippers and plate loading grip machines doing

the job.

Wannagrip and his KTA program is the cornerstone of my training

and with patience and perseverance I believe it will take me to

the "advanced" level of hand strength.

No, I "aint" kissin' azz, just stating the facts. :D

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this board just reeks of inspiration here recently. great going. just more proof that the mind is much more powerful than most people think.

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Guest viking power

A wonderful reponse thanks guys. just wish i had more to add to the board, but there are so many world class guys here with much more experience on grip, Anywho Will certainily try and do so from now on.

As everyone is saying you've just got to believe it can be done. i want a 110kg walk next. I've already closed the number 2 gripper again.

Your all an insparational bunch. :rock

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I second all that was said by everyone else, Viking Power. Congratulations on your amazing recovery, and may your progress continue!

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viking power-

No matter how much schooling a doctor has, they will not be able to measure your level of dedication, desire, and determination. You are obviously a determined individual, and your story is very inspiring. Sometimes it just takes somebody that does not know you at all to tell you that you will not be able to do something, and that will give you the burning desire to prove them wrong. Keep it up, and I guarantee that you will be stronger than your pre-injured self. Way to go!

Steve Weiner

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I too came back from an injury to my hand.

I went from thinking I had broken fingers to re-mastering the #3 all over again.

Don't EVER give up or give in.

Now.... tell all of us about your plan to master the #3!! :):D

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Guest Harlan Jacobs

A wonderful reponse thanks guys. just wish i had more to add to the board, but there are so many world class guys here with much more experience on grip, Anywho Will certainily try and do so from now on.

And you wish you could bring something more to the board ? We all talk about improving our grip. You had to regain yours ! What he bring to the board is insperation and guts . Fantastic job !

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Guest viking power

Just found out i did that carry with a broken rib also. well when you've had a car fall on you head AND your girlfriend f*rt on your head in one lifetime a broken rib is nothing. :whacked

Chris J and the grip board; The key for improving and regaining some level of grip strength was reading about all the work with thick bars, I found that very inspiring. Seeing the accounts from roark of thick bar lifts. Reading chris's exploits with thick bars etc WAS the factor that helped the most.

Syber: Not really to bothered about closing the no. 3 gripper although it might be something to go for :whistel just want to have the strength to give a strongman comp a go this year.

Harlan: Thanks mate, i'd never thought of it like that.

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