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I think Wanna can back me up on this, since I am beginning to see a trend here.

On your very first post to this forum, PLEASE introduce yourself and tell us about what your doing in terms of grip training, what your interests are in terms of grip strength, and what you want to get out of this forum. You can also include other information that might be revelant, such as height, weight, age, etc.

Here's an example: On his very first post, I saw a newbie boast about the accomplishments of another member (which we are well aware of), and in the process break a rule of the forum. This led to Wanna locking the topic. I would have like to have known something more about the newbie as well.

OTOH, I read another first post from another newbie and he went into detail about who he was, what his training background was, and what he wanted to do in terms of grip - THEN he asked a question about his routine. IMHO, this is the way it should be.

Newbies that lurk before posting are good too. It means that they are gathering a consensus of the forum, and are cautious to ask a question here that has been asked about a million times! :D

O.K., I'll get off my soapbox now... :rolleyes

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My name is Adam and I have a grip addiction.

Just kidding...I think that is a great idea Snott.

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Well I've posted a little here, but yall probably don't know me yet. Except for people like sybersnott that post on FI.

any way, about me:

I'm 16 weigh around 140-145, I'm mainly a powerlifter.

I can close the #2 gripper in my right hand pinch 2 25's bend a 6" length of 1/4 HRS.

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sup Isaac glad to see you here

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Hey all, my name is Billy. Those of you one the Drsquat forum will know me as Billy W. I'm 24 (25 on may 8th), 5'9", 225lbs.

I've been grip training for a couple weeks now. I got into it after seeing videos by Jedd, Rick, etc. It's addicting. My training is pretty limited now. All i do is barbell holds and variations of holds, and pinch gripping. I'm going to order some coc's soon to work my crush grip.

I am just looking to improve my crushing grip and support grip. Its fun to hold a bar with 5-6 wheels on each side with no straps and people look at you like your nuts. I'm not really into the whole bending thing, but i'm sure if I try, i'll get hooked.

The only questions I have (right now) are:

1) what is the millenium dumbbell?

2) what is the "inch"?

thanks guys.

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Hi Guys,

My name is Wil They call me Brawler I am an MMA fighter Currently out of commision due to a knee injury. I am also a CFT through the ISSA and in the process of ataining my SSC. I am also A power lifter and interested in doing strongman in the future.

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Hi all, I'm Daniel and I'm 26 years old. I am a former competitive swimmer, now hooked on grip training. I got my first CoC's (1&2) in july 2003. In november 2003 I could finally close the no. 2, and since then I have been more or less stuck with it. On a good day I can close it quite easily, with each hand.

I had been looking for a place to discuss grip training for some time before I came across the gripboard. Once I emailed Randall Strosses, asking him to put a forum on the IM homepage. Guess he wasn't quite familiar with the idea of a forum though.

My very long-term goal is to be able to come at least near at closing the no. 3. Grip training with the CoC's is not the only training I do though, I am just as much into overall training (powerlifting, running, rowing, etc.).

I really enjoy working out with `garage' equipment. I even made my own set of dumbells one summer, out of concrete and paint buckets. Unfortunately they only weigh 15kg and are just too large.

I hope I learn a lot from the gripboard, and get inspired by all the amazing feats by the regulars here. I can't imagine what kind of strength is required for ripping a deck of cards. My pb is 15 cards (and improving :-).


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HI Guys, Lyle, I'm a Paramedic, and I've done Strenght training for 15 years "off and on ". lately been interested in strongman and highland games, grip has always been an interest.

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Hey hey

my name is Jim, I'm 22, 5'8", $1.60.

I've weightlifted for several years and have always been interested in bodyweight conditioning/tricks, so I was lucky enough to join a gymnastics troupe my last two years of college. Now I have an uncanny ability to hold a handstand anywhere :D

Now that it's sunny and I've got more free time, I've started rock climbing as well. Incredible finger workout.

While training for a one arm chin, I came across an article talking about the ironmind grippers. Another internet search brought me to Bender's page, then to the gripboard!

I love working my grippers, block weights, sledge, pinch, tearing, and bending. Goals include the #3, #4, blob, 60D, tearing a phonebook and pack of cards, and rolling a frying pan - but simply increasing my hand strength has been a blast so far.

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Chris, 23years old, 5'10 185lbs , AD military stationed in Hawaii origionally from Boston.

I've been lifting weights off and on since high school, but never really been dedicated to lifting until recently. Dinosaur training has changed my whole way of thinking and now I'm a rookie "Dino". I've always loved strongman so I hope to put on a few lbs and compete soon. Been training grip seriously since Jan of this year and now I'm hooked. Ive been reading everything strength related and studying the gripboard trying to soak up as much info as possible. One day I WILL be a "grip legend" on here.

My current best are: #2 gripper each hand, dl 35lb blockweight w/10lbs added, Im blue nail (closing in on 60d) and have been mastering the 8lb sledge.

short term goals (12months) close #3 gripper, bend 6" grade 5 bolt, dl my homemade 64lb blockweight( 4" wide 8" tall solid steel). I have so many other goals, but those are the ones I'm trying to concentrate on.

Thank you to everyone for helping so much and keeping me motivated (even though you might not know you are doing it). It is an honor to be in the company of those who have accomplished so much!


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I too have lurked for quite some time and dropped a post or question or two here and there but have offered no official introduction.

The names Matt...another guy from the drsquat forum. I am 19 and a thrower on a track team. Only recently have I started training grip though it was a casual interest of mine for a while, though the addiction has set in fast. Been into powerlifting/weightlifting/bodybuilding for a while. umm...only really training crush right now but am expanding over the summer.

Like the forums a lot.

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Hello. I have lurked here on and off for a long time. I am 6' 231#. The Dragondoor forum led me here and to Ironmind for my CoC T and #1.

My grip training restarted on 3/13 as assistance to kettlebell lifting and because it's just a lot of fun :)

MY goals for 2004 are close a #3 and get certified as Mash Monster. I would also like bend a blue nail. I would also like to get together with other grip addicts in the DFW area for a little fun.



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My name is Peter 34 year old from Finland 185 cm tall,weight about 90kg,been weightlifting on/off for 12 years just to keep fit not for strenght,PB benchpr 100kg,squat 125kg ,deadl 150 kg.Did buy my first gripper 4 weeks ago coc#1

could close it on first try 2times right hand 1 left ,now 10 and 8 times.

Hope to close #3 someday, just ordered #2.

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I got started training grip about 2 months ago. I have closed the #2 and another one my buddy has I don't know it's official name it just says heavy grip 250. I'm 22 yrs. old 6'2" 205. My immediate goal is to close the #3, then move on to the RT. I've had 2 recent surgeries on my shoulder so I can't go full speed in the weight room. My BUDDY, "Too Tall" introdued me to grip training and it was great to be able to walk in the weight room and be able to go at something full speed again. I haven't made many posts, lately I have just been reviewing all of the old posts, and taking in all the help I can.

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The only questions I have (right now) are:

1) what is the millenium dumbbell?

2) what is the "inch"?

The "Inch" refers to the oldtime strongman by the same name - Thomas Inch.

Inch had a dumbbell made, and it had a thick grip. He noticed that it was very hard to lift and while touring, challenged men from all over to see if they could lift it. As the story goes, Inch claimed that he himself could clean and press overhead the 172 pound DB.

The Millenium Dumbbell is a bigger version of the Inch.

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Hi all. My name is Rob from Medina, Ohio.I'm 28 ( 29 May 20th), 5'11" 275 lbs.

Powerlifted from 13-24 years old then got married and started having kids so I slacked off a bit, a lot actually. Got my life settled down the begining of this year and bought some kettlebells and grippers, now I'm hooked. My bests on grippers since starting the end of Feb. are Filed #2 both hands and SM right hand. Expanding my collection of tools so I can train all aspects of grip strength. My goals are certify on #3 then see how it goes from there. Lift the blob. Lift the "Inch", and deadlift 220 on the RT. Also my hands are both about 7 9/16"

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My Name is Dan. Im a 27 year old, 179cm tall and 96Kg small Swede from Umea. I have been strengt training for 10 years now but have only been doing grip for about 1.5-2 years. My short-term goal is to close my #3 wich I barely can get to parallell, or at least close my friends #3(missed it by 1mm). Long term goal is to be strong enough to compete in Löddeköpinge Gripchallenge and of course to close the #4.

Grip realated records


HG300 rigth hand.

RB210 left hand.

2 handed pinch



117,5Kg rigth hand.

110-115 left hand.

Edit: I do 2-5 grip workouts/10 days. 1 big workout with lots of grippers, pinch, wristroller, platecurls and more. The rest are small workouts with only 3-6 set grippers.

Edited by Honn
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Hi Sybersnott! you know me from Fi, I am just browsing the board!

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I have done some posting but never formerly introduced myself. I'm an 18 YO. 5'11". Powerlifter/former football player/Newb gripper and MMA student. I just ordered my first grippers about a month ago. I can close the trainer for many reps and the #1 once in both hands. Long term goals would be to rep a #3, plate pinch 3 25's, and lift the inch. I also have a training log in the training forum. I also post at Dr.Squat as John Shanks.

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Hey guys, my name's Rick Heidebrecht. I've been lurking for a while, just haven't posted yet. I'm 25 and I started working out back when I was 17. I started off training for bodybuilding but quickly realized that wasn't my thing so I switched to powerlifting. After that I moved on to strongman, briefly, before I finally got hooked on armwrestling which is now (and probably for some time to come) my sport of choice. Armwrestling got me going on my grip and wrist strength, and when I started reading the gripboard, I picked up on bending too. Very informative and inspiring stuff here.

Rick H.

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I've been reading this board for some time almost religiously and have posted a few questions, but nothing too profound. I am a 35 year old ex-football player, have been training seriously for two years (after about a 12 year lay off). I'm about 6'2", 260 pounds, and have been competing in strongman competitions for the last year or so (won one and done okay in several others). Recently met up with Brett Kerby and became inspired to do some grip stuff and have been going at it as hard as my hands will allow for the last couple of months. Best grip feats so far: bent a blue (but not under certification conditions), halved and quartered several decks of cards, and plate pinched 2-25's + 10 lbs.

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My name is Sean Prince and I am 28 years old. My first introduction to the COC was during my time at Indiana University where I wrestled in college. My Strength coach Greg Simmons had shown the #1 and #2 to me and back then went on to say that there was only one man to have sucessfully closed the #4. The applications of hand strength have always interested me in my wrestling, weight lifting, and rock climbing pusuits; not to mention my "what if" senario traing, but that is a completley different topic.

I currently teach high school and coach wrestling. The need to train like you wish to fight has been forged in my bones from my time in 1st Recon Co. so I still do and train like all of my wrestlers.

My current preoccupation with hand strength has led me to purchase John Brookfield's book "Mastery of Hand Strength" and the KTA program as well as many COC gripper. I have only been trainning with the grippers since March of this year and at the time could not close the #1 with either hand, I am currentley in week 2 of the KTA program and can close the #2 with my right hand and am daylight away with my left hand. I am excited, my wife says obsessed, but she is a closet crusher and tries to close the #1 one a day claiming "I wonder if today is my day?" admittedly she is a centimeter from closing it herself with her right hand.

I understand the concern for newbie posting, so I hope this meets the board's expectations for a first post. Having done this I guess that I also qualify as a "lurker", but oh well. I would rather watch and learn that work on my hand strength by pulling my foot from my mouth.


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hi im mark, im in so calif.

im 6'2 242 lbs. i started grip training with grippers like 90 days ago or so and i did the 1 and 2 on the first try and have a 3 i can get to were my pinkie finger tip can just squeez inbetween. so under 1/2 inch.

im manly into powerlifting and bodybuilding and can bench 360...have done 375 before. i can deadlift 425 for 6, no straps and can squat 405 for 10 or 315 for 10 rockbottom, i always do no,no,no spotter,belt,wraps....i have good form and have never had an injury in 7 yrs. im 25 btw. i can do standing military presses with 205 for 4 reps, no leg use. thats about all i have....glad to be apart of a nice entertaining group of all a+ guys/girls.

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Hello All-

I'm Zach Passman, live in L.A. I'm an elite powerlifter with an interest in bending and grip. Kudos to the folks who bare it all and post their workouts, as well as those who offer new training ideas. So far, have learned MUCH more than I've been able to contribute--hope that changes in the future.

Looking forward to taking down the 3 and the Red. Looking for 3 by end of summer, and Red by close of 2003.

Thanks to all for the welcome I've received, and the great info.

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Hi, my name is Nick I'm 22 years old, and I've been grip training for about four months now. I got interested in grip after searching around for some hand exercises to aid in my guitar playing. I came across a page on the COC grippers, and the rest is history. I can now rep a #1 in both hands, no set my #2 in the right hand, and come to within a pinky's width of it in the left. My long term goals include closing the #3, hub lifting a 45, and levering a sledge to my nose and back (without breaking any bones).

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