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Win an emerson knife

Bill Piche

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Steve, Pat, and whoever else is in the area.  You should GO to this knife show!

Emerson Knife Challenge: Close a Gripper, Win a Knife  

The Emerson Knife Challenge continues: Close a No. 3 Captains of Crush gripper at their booth and win your choice from the Emerson production line of world renown tactical and outdoor knives. "We haven't given one away yet," said Derek Russell, Emerson's sales manager, even though plenty of people have tried since Emerson first issued its challenge last year. So far nobody has been able to touch the handles and claim the prize and, in fact, Russell said that nobody has even come close yet, other than Richard Sorin, who gave the No. 3 quite a squeeze at The Blade show last summer, but couldn't put it away. For anyone who wants to try to win one of these superb hard-use knives, Emerson Knives will be at the Blade West show, in Costa Mesa, California next weekend, and for everyone on the East Coast, they will be at the New York Custom Knife Show in early November.

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Mr Snott is on his way and will be egraving the word Gripmaster on his knife. That is a nice challenge and way to win a knife.  If you close a 4 you get a ceremonial sword and a full set of cutlery.

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So...the Emerson folks can certify #3 closes, or

simply offer knives to those whom they deem to have

closed a #3?

Great, another factor of confusion: "I'm not certified,

but I am on the cutting edge."

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!! Gordon Bennett I'm not sure if that was a joke or not. Who's looking for a certificate - just get your knife set boys. I'd think of it as payment for all the hard work and watch to see how quick the signs come down - wasn't there someone offering $10k for lifting the Inch replica at one point?

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Uh, did I read that right?   ???

It said that Richard Sorin had a go at their #3 and couldn't "put it away"?  ???

What kind of #3 do they have?  One on the cusp of being a #4?   :crazy  :0   So what kind of chance do I have?

Me thinks me smells a rat!   :0  :crazy  :hehe

BTW, the Blade Show comes my way next year.  They will be there, and so will I.  Then we will see....   ;)

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They probably gave him a #4 that was altered to look like a #3.  The coils were then superglued together, and you have to close the gripper in three seconds or less!  :)  :D

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I was thinking maybe no warm-up.  The challenge is to close the #3 so maybe they don't have any other grippers available.  Why damage your hand with no warm-up for a knife?

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Because it's like a really sweet knife, or a choice of really sweet knives.   :D

As the great Matt Hoffman says:  "Pain is temporary, bones (tendons) heal, chicks dig scars"

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Richard Sorin:

Did this happen? Did you in fact try their #3 and

not quite close it?


No, my earlier post was not a joke. It was meant to

be light-hearted but serious, going to the very verification

process of 3 approval.

Perhaps Ironmind has approved whoever works the booth for

Emerson to certify closes. [that's a joke]

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I can go cold with no warm-up to a #3 and close it.  No problem.

What makes me suspicious is the fact that they have a #3 that Richard can't "put away".  Where did they get this #3; is it IronMind stock, and what other details are known about it? I'm thinking they aren't giving away ANY knives from this promotion.  :(

Heath?  Are you reading this post?  Your comments, sir.  :)

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I'll take a shot at this.  Richard, by his own admission hasn't trained heavily on grippers in some time.  He also had a hand injury if I recall.  He also stated that he doesn't like impromptu feats, they are too risky.  Now is it possible that these knives are so nice (I believe they are) that he was enticed to take a shot at closing the #3 presented to him in spite of the risk?  

Now suppose someone placed a #3 gripper in your hand (all you COC's) after a long layoff.  Would you guarantee that you could close it?  Many great gripper people retain a strong sweep after a long layoff, but it's that last little bit that could conceivably stop somebody the caliber of Richard Sorin, no shame.....with a bit of preparation things would probably be different.

From what I understand (read Emerson's own website), this guy is a physical guy his whole life and these grippers stopped him cold.  He apparently would like to see a human being close either a #3 or #4, and offers some serious prizes.  The grippers in question are Ironmind, fairly recent manufacture I believe.  There is NO mention anywhere that closing a gripper in front of this gentleman constitutes certification in any way.

Sorry to rain on your parade guys, but there is no plot, or super secretly hard gripper.  As anyone who plays with these grippers knows, you can feel like a million bucks with them one day and be half inch away the next.  

Remember Wout Zyjlstra who threw the weight for height a world record 18' 5-1/2" and tossed it a measly 14' a few weeks later.  Did anyone question the weight of the implement?  NOT! :crazy

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Let's say someone goes to the Emerson booth (a non COC)

and closes a 3 to win a knife.

Emerson does not give away their fine knives carelessly, no

doubt, so now we have a dilemma: a closed 3 in front of a

very strict (I assume) judge/employee. Photo or not.

My head hurts.

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My head hurts too.  But I don't even know if Emerson's rules are the same as Ironmind's.

I assume Ironmind would still want photographic and other verification?  I always said, you won't get certified with one close of a #3 unless you happen to be sitting next to Randy Strossen himself.  

I just don't know, it boggles the mind.

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The Emerson production knifes aren't really that special - similar to a Benchmade ($100-200), but hey, its free.  Now, how about one of you doing the #4 for the handmade knife would be cool.  Most of the handmades I've seen on the net generally fetch $1200 to $2000.

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I would like to announce that I will personally give the first person to close a #4 certifiably by IM $100 cash.  Hey it's not much for such an otherworldly performance, I'd shell out a million for a 4 closure if I had the cheese, but what do you get from IM?  A freaggin' article in MILO and a shirt?  Jeese, people are shisty.

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There was nothing unusual about the gripper. I had not squeezed a gripper in several months so, to be polite when the Emmerson man greeted me I gave a cold "testing" squeeze to see what would happen.The booth had a chest high counter and the man was straight in front of me so you had to shut the gripper, lift your arm and rotate the end of your hand nearly 180 degrees to alow him to see it. They said it was a "hair away" and given the circumstances I was actually pretty pleased. It occured to me the prize offer was limited and I thought my involvement might get added interest at the booth and help their promotion along.They seemed to be an interested, nice group of guys.  RS

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Richard.... In your own humble opinion, do you think that #3 was tougher than an average #3, possibly leaning towards a BBE?  If they come to the Blade Show in Atlanta, I'll give it a try myself.

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As I said Sir Snott it was a typical feeling #3 ....maybe hand picked out of a couple but nothing trick about it.I am careful about hard attempts without knowing the equipment or being  at least warmed up.I was glad to see the Emmerson guys had the interest in promoting grip strength activities.There is no doubt in my mind that Sir Snott will walk away with the knife next year.RS

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