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Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/20/2024 in all areas

  1. I don't know why do some people think that Russia is cut of from rest of the world. The sanctions are only in Europe and the two upper countries in North of America. The rest of the world is open to then. Here in the UAE we have many flights daily to and from Russia. Plus, we have credible gripsters in Russia. I am sure Ivan Krivykh would do it if they were near. If there wasn't any other way, I can always bring up the Tiziano offer. The offer is he pays for everything to Dubai. He meets me and proves himself. If he did, I will refund his flight and accommodation.
    10 points
  2. People always take skepticism so personal but it never is, simply extraordinary feats require extraordinary evidence it's really not that complicated. If you are a known athlete and perform a feat similar to your previous feats then less evidence is needed, but if you are relatively unknown with a claim of a world class feat you should expect extra scrutiny this is not a personal insult just the method to verify reality
    8 points
  3. Until he competes in a contest, or meets with a credible witness and duplicates the claimed feats on other people's equipment, everything should remain skeptical.
    8 points
  4. Credible witness trumps any video of a supposed close. Either you visit them or they visit you, you close their gripper, they confirm it on video. You only need to do it once to legitimize all you claims.
    8 points
  5. Dmitry just posted this video about an hour ago. It is his recertification of a COC 4 with plenty of measurements taken this time and pretty undeniable evidence that he is not cheating, at least in my opinion. Regarding his comments in the previous video about Americans being nothing, apparently the auto-translate was not correct. He was making a reference to Americans being a mix of people from other countries ultimately. I don't think he meant any disrespect. He seems like a decent guy and is quite strong evidently. I mentioned in the comments that he should go for a GHP10 but his is rated 267 which is a monster. There are other people, however that are making comments that Americans are losers and that Carl's certification should be revoked. This should not reflect on Dmitry at all, as there are always trolls who are hating on a specific crowd, Americans in this case.
    7 points
  6. the shaw blob is as good as dead
    7 points
  7. He has allegedly agreed to meet with Nikita Yurkovets on August 12 to prove himself. Now if it was me personally, based of his claim of closing a ghp 9 like a sponge "without chalk or warmup right before going to bed". I would simply show up unannounced with a ghp 9 and ask him to close it on the spot . I was criticized by some russian gripsters (not gonna name them but you can infer) that I didn't properly show proof for Carl when I went to train with him. Yeah you read that right, rub your eyes and reread it wont change, because he didn't close his ghp 10 or ccs his 220 4 in front of me that means he is a "fraud" . They equate this with Dimitry shockingly... not understanding that one is claiming to close it without warming up and does it seemingly easy like its not even 85% of his 1rm. The other trained 7 years to accomplish both certs and cannot just replicate it on any given day. Just some neat context in terms of who are we discussing about)
    7 points
  8. I modified my GHP plaque to hold more grippers now (5 extra). They are all gen 1s except one of them. Hoping to get doubles on all Gen 1s someday. I like the variation amongst the same levels. For instance, one of my GHP4s is 85 RGC and the other is 95. Then I have a 105 GHP5 and 112. My GHP6s are 125 and 138. They make great bridge grippers to fill the gaps in between other brands for RGC ratings, or even just by themselves.
    6 points
  9. Got the Atomgripz 6-Band back from Cannon PowerWorks - rated a whopping... 355 lbs! Pictured alongside my 255 GHP 10 (1st gen) for comparison.
    6 points
  10. So gripboard members now are Americans? I always thought I was an Emirati. Maybe he know more about the gripboard like he knows more about grippers... Just prove yourself instead of these videos.
    6 points
  11. Weekly Wrap-Up! Monday - Heavy Bending Day and Tasting GripBoard Immortality I was bending 5” this week and all the warmups went well, then just as I was about to wrap up a mag hexabastard a kiddo awoke from his nap early! This led to an extended physical rest and mental distraction before trying the mag hex (in hindsight I should’ve done another warmup here!) and it was an off-center battle the whole way with me surrendering with only 1/4” to go. Despite the stumble, the show must go on! And the show was a FBBC Magnificent Shiny Bastard 5/16”x5” ss! Short shinys have upwards of 20 years of history on The GripBoard and I can think of under 10 people to have bent one under cert conditions and nobody since Derek 4 years ago! Thus, on a bar that requires nothing less, I came through with a perfect bend and took it down in under 2 minutes for a little taste of GripBoard immortality!!! Tuesday - Push Day and Reverse Volume Solid workmanlike push day with bench, pullovers and tricep accessories. Then finished up with 8 reverse bend bright 60d nails in imps. My reverse needs a lot of work and there’s not a lot of time since I’ll be competing at it on Sep 14, so no time like the present!!! 8 60ds was hard for me but I got through it and came out the other side a little tougher for the cause! Wednesday - Pull Day Mostly did 2-3/8” dumbbell lifts and combos under a loose interpretation of pull. I didn’t hit any stellar inch/blob combos but lifted two of my bolt on inches for the first time (158 & 162lbs) and got closest I’ve ever been with a full weight combo (still not that close and blob was only a half 55 but it’s a step in the right direction)! Thursday - Volume Bending 4.5” volume, crazy haha but gotta get ready for a special insane bastard attempt on Monday! Did 2 1/4” g8’s and 3 5/16 hrs then for some reason tried to sneak in a 4.5” 12L14 hex on volume day, needless to say it didn’t go well but still got 5 good bends in which is pretty good at 4.5”!!! Friday - Grippers, Euro & Hub Did ok on grippers, warmups went well and likely closed the MM1 but still convincingly missing MM2, gotta get that sucker dialed in!!! The a little rep work with a filed 127 platinum which was fun. On to 2.25@ Euro and added cross bar this week. Made it to 155 but still need a lot of improvement!!! Finished up with hub lifting a Marcy 45 - made it to 60 pounds before being stapled by 62.5! And now we rest for meeting with the Insane Bastard!!!
    6 points
  12. I asked the same question regarding Tiziano Becchio last year - I honestly couldn't imagine someone going through such lengths to manipulate equipment and packaging, to achieve a certification that relatively few people know or care about in such a niche sport. But Tiziano did do exactly that. Why? Who knows. Perhaps he would have cheated even if it were only himself on a deserted island. I'm not writing this to continue ridiculing him though - what's done is done - but rather to point out that his situation answered a lot of these hypotheticals and set a precedent that not only is such fraud possible, but has already been accomplished. If you are unfamiliar with the Tiziano situation - he is an athlete who appeared out of nowhere in late 2022, began closing increasingly heavy grippers in a very short period of time, certified on the 3.5 by doing 3 reps, and then claimed a 221 rgc CoC 4 CCS close, a world record, all at 140 lbs bodyweight. Turns out, he lied about his scale being in kgs when it was set to lbs on his grip lifts, and was caught swapping the certification gripper from IronMind with a manipulated gripper that he purchased from Amazon (evident by the Amazon UPC barcode sticker on the back of the package). His real closing strength was likely around CoC 3 level, but was he was claiming to be able to close CoC 4s and GHP 9s with ease. Many of us are concerned that Dmitry may be pulling a similar grift, with manipulated grippers, as a lot of the circumstances are reminiscent of Tiziano's trajectory and mannerisms - though Dmitry appears much stronger, and more likely to actually be able to do the things he is claiming. Dmitry's closes may be legitimate, which would make him arguably the strongest gripper athlete ever, or there may be some fraudulent activity. The only way to know for sure is with an in-person reliable witness, and an authentic, unmanipulated gripper.
    6 points
  13. Yeah, that is a BIG problem which has ruined the credibility of everyone involved in that incident. But I do know a few Russians personally whom I would regard very trustworthy. They do in fact exist over there. With that said. I would assume that any serious athlete would meet up with many different people at several different occasions over a period of time. This is why I trust someone like Carl M. He has performed extremely well together with many different people in many different venues over a large period of time. And though his single certification video would not suffice as evidence if it were to stand on its own. But it doesn’t need to stand on its own. He has a large number of extremely impressive performances which have been done in legitimate settings which are equally as impressive as his CCS 4 close. Therefore I can confidently accept his CCS 4 close as legitimate, even if the video itself wasn’t the best. Though I would’ve preferred it to have been done in a grander setting. It is IMO the best gripper cert in history. All previous 4 certs were either faked or done with a deep set. And it’s a shame that the greatest gripper cert of all time was done on video like that. Ironmind should’ve shown it more respect and asked Carl to do it at an event or similar.
    6 points
  14. Started a new volume block, unfortunately got sick during my peak weeks. Its fine however, just gives me more time to get even stronger and bigger for the 4 cert. Will run a 2x8 volume block with 174,175,180,182,186,187 etc, deeper sets ofc. The hardest part will definitely the setting as I'm primarily a wide setter, however I need to improve the total crushing power.
    6 points
  15. Nearly had a 15lb PR, but it slipped at the top. I am hoping for 275-280lbs by October.
    6 points
  16. I live really close to him. Hopefully he sees it! I admire him as a person and an athlete.
    5 points
  17. I get to do Brian's blob medley in three weeks at the Shaw Classic.
    5 points
  18. My almost complete grip journey. Age: 25 Height: 6'3.5 / 192 cm Weight: 195-240 lbs. Current 220. Background: Strength training: I got a gym membership at age 16 and worked out regularly until the pandemic hit. I hit a 405 pound squat PR and 455 deadlift PR at 18 and a 330 pound bench press at 19. I also did a 660 pound rack pull without straps at 17. Introduction to grip training: Started training with grippers at the age of 22 /summer 2021 when I bought 4 grippers from eBay and a dynamometer. What sparked my interest was a TikTok where a guy walked around a gym and tested I people’s strength on a cheap Camry dynamometer. I remember the best result was around 160 lbs. I then received my 4 grippers (100-150-200-300 lbs). I could toy with the 200 straight away, but I lacked about .5 inch on the 300. Shortly after I received the grippers, I got my cheap Camry. I squeezed 182 pounds first time trying, and a week later, when I figured out the handle adjustment, it said error. Introduction to Captains of Crush: Having only 4 grippers and a dynamometer I maxed out quickly got boring. I then found out about captains of crush and bought a CoC #3 that I received in September 2021. I couldn’t close it and suspected that is was on the heavier side. I have since found out that it’s around 160 RGC. In October 2021 I received my #2.5 and could TNS it out of the box. In December 2021, received a new #3 and a #3.5. I was closer on the new #3, but still couldn’t quite do it. I got demotivated and stopped training grip. A new spark regarding grip training: August 2022, I bought a 250 lbs gripper from eBay and a new dynamometer that could go to 180 kg. Immediately hit 105 kg on it. I started doing assisted closes negatives with my easiest #3. The first #3 close: In late September 2022, I closed my easiest #3 for the first time. On October 16th, I closed it again, this time on video. Introduction to Cannon powerworks: In December 2022, I received my first pre rated grippers. 146 rated CoC 3, 162 rated Standard Cobalt and a 169 rated CoC 3.5. I could immediately close the 146 rated #3. The major setback: On New Year’s Eve 2022/23, I slipped on the ice and hit the back of my head. I was unable to work and study for 6 months and couldn’t do any exercise for 4-5 months. The comeback: On march 25th 2023, I picked up my grippers and squeezed them lightly. With some warmup and no chalk, I closed my 146 rated #3. My doctor advised me against strength training and exercises so I didn’t pick up my grippers until late may 2023. After that I started doing them about once per week/every other week together with other gym work. Introduction to GM150: August 2023, I received my GM150. I had know about it for a while, but I couldn’t justify buying it. Until August 2023. I immediately hit 114 kg. At this time, my PR on my old dynamometer was 109 kg. About a week later, I hit 121 kg on the GM150. The journey since then: 162 cobalt MMS 6th October 2023 126 kg GM150 21st October 2023 150 kg bench press first time since January 2019 Surgery and 3 weeks without exercise 169 #3.5 MMS November 2023 131.60 kg GM150 2nd December 2023 176 GHP 8 attempt December 2023. Missed it by 0.3 inch. Since 2024 my PRs are: 160 kg bench press 7 clicks #3 146 RGC 2 CCS #3 146 RGC 1 CCS #3 152 RGC 133.0 kg GM150 Equipment: 40+ grippers, 15 rated, 7 choked. Most cheap from China. + some other fun grip tools. Goals for 2024 and for life: 2024: GHP 8 176 RGC MMS CoC #3 certification 140 KG GM150 Life: 180 KG bench press (by 2026) 150+ KG GM150 (by 2026) CoC #3.5 Certification (by 2028) CoC #4 MMS (by 2029) CoC #4 Certification (by 2039) Routine: Maximum 1 grip session per week. Warmup, then 3-5 top sets, then 3-4 sets on lighter grippers.
    5 points
  19. Nothing left, but clean it up and paint it and get a final Weight
    5 points
  20. Just watched him doing a number 4 close with measurements as well! I loved watching that. There is a very high chance he is legit. Even though the card swipe for his cert was off, I do not think he was faking at this point.
    5 points
  21. Hello, Im in my mid 30s with 15 years strength/bodybuilding training experince. Got into grip training to get my grip back to and beyond where it were when working in heavy industry (moving 25kg+ steel ingots single handed in a pinch grip). Mostly doing fat bar work and grippers. Looking to get my DO 50mm axle deadlift to some percentage of my mixed grip olympic. What percentage Idk whats a realistic goal yet. And i want to be able to close the CoC #3.
    5 points
  22. Since you're a fan of his, here is a little throwback pic for you ChimpGrip with Magnus taken at the 1996 World Musclepower Championship taken in Callander, Scotland.
    5 points
  23. I am glad it is only that and not the complimentary crawfish boil I had at the airport terminal.
    5 points
  24. I couldn’t stay away Painful 1/4” near miss of a special OG FBBC Insane Bastard from my buddy @tkovach724who got it from his bro Chad who got it from Wiggy himself!!! Among the hardest bastards ever rated, these were 510 pounds at 7” for a theoretical 4.5” rating of 1,025 pounds (not counting around an extra 40 pounds for the exact cut being at 4-3/8”)!!! After the OG Insane Bastard, one from this January was no problemo - 2 min bend! Then my second ever try at a FBBC Insane Shiny Bastard - first try in some time and first time getting it under 3”. But other than closeness this isn’t really a near miss since that’s a hellacious amount of bending to go on an insane shiny. Plus I was out of moves and befuddled so this will still require a considerable amount of work … which I will postpone until my next run through the short stuff
    5 points
  25. BACK AT IT!!! Workout 7/21/24: A. Grippers: Right hand: Opening top set/PTP: Tetting Elite (155) choked at 10mm 20mm block sets: Standard Pt 115 x 9, 8, 6 (<1mm from 7!) 38mm block sets: Standard Cu 106 x 6, 7, 7 Click close sets: IM 2.5 128 x 10, 8, 8 Silver Bullet: IM 3 144 x 11 seconds, 7s, 6s Left Hand: Opening top set/PTP: Standard Fe (136) choked at 19mm 20mm block sets: Standard Cu 106 x 10, 8, 8 38mm block sets: Standard Au 96 x 8, 7, 7 Click close sets: GHP6 126 x 7 | Silarukov 110 (126) x 6, 5 Silver Bullet: Standard Fe 132 x 13 seconds, 5s | GHP6 126 x 7s B1. Bench press: 57.5kg x10 | 77.5kg x10 | 87.5kg x8 | 90kg x6 B2. Overhead press: 43kg x10 | 57kg x10 | 64kg x7 | 66kg x6 _______________________________________________________________________ A. Rolling Handle Pullups: Rolling Grip Thingy + Rolling Thunder: 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1 B. Reverse Formulator: 6kg x 3 sets of 15 stretching This went way better than I thought it would. I thought this week's events might have affected me more, but it doesn't seem to have much at all. It was a ton of gripper volume though. 13 working sets per hand! I was able to maintain through most of the rep work, but it became very difficult to set once I got to the Silver Bullet sets. I couldn't really set the 132 for the last set on my left hand, that's why I dropped down. This is the end of the volume build up for this cycle. Next week, I'll up the gripper weight for lower reps in the 3-5 rep range for the block sets, and I'll drop the click rep and Silver Bullet sets down to 1-2 sets with heavier grippers. I haven't really decided what grippers I might use. Maybe 121 for the right hand and 112 for the left for 20mm? I'll chew on it a bit this week. I realize that rolling handle work after gripper work isn't the best idea, but I didn't get to play around with these on Thursday, so I decided to today. I like the idea of using pyramids on these on Thursday. We'll see how that goes.
    5 points
  26. Hey Jared, on the topic of SGR>RGC ratings, I'm receiving 8 Silarukov grippers from a Russian gripster within a month or less. He has the exact machine that you've discussed and will be rating them for me. I have decided to also send them to Cannon to see how the numbers compare. I will be sure to report back. Here's a Silarukov 150 at max load.
    5 points
  27. GRIPPERS T x 10 BH 1 x 5 BH 1.5 x 3 BH LH Au 2, 4, 4…set felt good and my close felt solid RH 2 2, 1, 1…second weird session of grippers…going backwards 1.5 6, 6, 5…getting some volume in… I’ll keep on going…there are always downsides before I get to a higher level! Flask tomorrow Have a wonderful weekend
    5 points
  28. one of the most impressive things I've seen in a long time. nice work!
    4 points
  29. 7/25 AM WORKOUT PUSH DOWN 40 X 15 50 X 15 60 X 12 70 X 10 80 X 10 BENCH BAR X 20 X 3 135 X 15 155 X 15 175 X 15 195 X 15 215 X 15 INCLINE DUMBELL PRESS 30 X 12 40 X 12 50 X 12 60 X 12 FLYS 10 X 10 15 X 10 20 X 10 PUSH DOWN WITH ROPE 20 X 15 30 X 15 40 X 10 50 X 10 60 X 10
    4 points
  30. Calisthenics Plate Curls Left 21x3 22.5x322.5x3 Right 21x3 22.5x3 21x3 Plate Curl negs 25x3 3 sets both hands Wrist plate curls Left 18.5x5 3 sets Right 17.5x5 3 sets Sledge pronation and supination 11.5"x5 both ways 3 sets Did some different chest expander moves but not sure of the names. Chest Krusher... 3 sets of 4 reps.. I held it behind my back.. Seems to really engage lats and upper back cool down. Framing a deck today... gonna try to pinch carry as many of the PT joists as possible, some are very heavy. also new guitar day couple days ago. Been listening to a lot of Clapton Unplugged and Hank Williams Sr… made me realize All these years playing and buying I don’t have a nice dreadnaught. Bought me a Yamaha. Hand made in Japan. Reproduction of the famous 60s red label model.
    4 points
  31. Thanks! I recently (2 days after my last grip session before I went on vacation) choked a cheap China gripper that’s thicker and feels harder than my 220 rated CoC #4. Next week I’ll rate it with my new arm assassin RGC device + crane scale and winch and then I’ll try it from parallel. I think my peak closing power is 200+ RGC, but my set is weak. The grippers always fall far back in my hand. Regarding the GM150, I think I’m capable of 135+ kg at the moment. I’ve lost 20 pounds of body weight since I have a 3K running bet with a colleague in September. Even though I have lost 20 pounds, I still hit new grip PRs. After that, I’ll try to hit 250-255 pounds BW and smash the GM150 (and 385 lbs bench press). The main reason for choking some of my grippers is to make them more like the handles on the GM150. My current plan is to use heavy choked grippers after my regular CCS top sets, and once a month just do choked ones.
    4 points
  32. Hello Guys! The last guest of this season Will be the founder of Gods of Grip, straight from the UK mr. Tom Lymath! If you happen to have any question from him, please let me know in the comment section or in the DMs. Thank you guys for the support you gave to the interview with Doctor Strossen. I hope to make more interesting interviews for you, in this last chapter and in the next season as well
    4 points
  33. I went for 334lbs, but I only got it up an inch or so. I did 274lbs before that. My comp PR is 318lbs.
    4 points
  34. This is kind of a PSA. I have had an influx of AtomGripz 6-bands to rate. Honestly, any of them are dangerous for my setup and I don't like doing these. One of the problems is that the knurling is nice and sharp and it's practically impossible to protect it in my fixture. These grippers routinely rate over 300 pounds and that is simply too much focused pressure. I do not believe I can rate these without leaving marks on the handles. I won't say that I will not rate them, but you have to be okay with me possibly leaving marks on the handles. Some would be unavoidable pressure marks, although I do my best to protect against that pressure. Sometimes grippers tip out of balance unexpectedly. I consider this an accident, but it can happen. I have safety bars that catch the gripper but if it tips out of balance with 300+ pounds in place, the knurling is getting damaged against the bar for sure. There is nothing I can do about that. The bar is lined with rubber, but it still squishes the knurling. If my finger is in the way, I get a nasty injury which has happened more times than I care to admit. So I'll leave it up to you if you want one of these rated. There are significant risks to rating these 300+ pound grippers. If you want to keep them "like new" then I would not get them rated. Assume there will be marks on the knurling when you get them back. This kind of goes for any gripper over 300 lbs although that is an arbitrary cutoff.
    4 points
  35. Hi, my name is Bob, new to grip sport. Previously competed in other strength sports (Powerlifting, Highland games) but never did any serious grip work. Currently training for King kong grip in Oct. (First grip meet) Looking forward to learning!
    4 points
  36. Yes, that's no problem, definitely! I have a Mitutoyo set of calipers that were fairly expensive which displays in mm or inches. I'll start a new thread once everything is sorted out and received. I don't want to take anything away from Dmitry Volegov's accomplishment here.
    4 points
  37. RH - Grippers 20mm block set - 3x3 Standard Adjustable Ti, RGC 137, 2-sec hold on each close 30mm (bottom) choked - 1x1 Stainless Adjustable, RGC 156 20mm set practice with block (no crush) - 2x1 Standard Cobalt, RGC 165 LH - Inch trainer - 6x1 68.9kg/152.9lb level lift, 2-sec hold on top Dumbbell biceps concentration curls - 6x10 27.5kg/60.6lb both hands
    4 points
  38. Tim Butler and Chaz Strange will be hosting a venue in Hillsborough, New Jersey!
    4 points
  39. 7/20 rare Saturday workout. Had some time to myself after going to war in the garden with a Bougainvillea bush, which I won that battle. grip work PINCH BLOCKS 18 x 5 21 x 3 24 x 2 29 x 1 34 x 1 38 x 1 41 x 1 43 x 1 46 x 1 49 x failed SAXON BAR 150 x 3 155 x 1 60 x 10 Today is a good day grip wise. Not sure why, but I’ll take it. Tonight game night with a bunch of friends that we’ve known for over 30 years should be fun
    4 points
  40. #2 COC getting it down to 20mm set block. No crush 3 sets of 1 both hands Blobtop Left 19x1 18.5x1 18.5x1 19x1 19x1 Rigjt 16x1 16x1 16.5x1 16.5x1 16x1 Blobtop holds 10x10secs 10.5x10 seconds 11x10 seconds both hands Calisthenics and chest expander hands where junk this morning from pinch lifting a lot of rocks last couple days. But I can move much heavier rocks now with one hand. off to work in Maine for the day
    4 points
  41. Time failed this 6.5” 12.9 braced attempt. Just spent too much time reworking my wraps and missed it by a minute. Once these are back in stock I’ll give it another shot though.
    4 points
  42. Yeah Vinnie asked me about Nathan’s account and I actually cannot find any indication he ever had an account. It looks like at one point very early on it was possible to post as a guest where you could still enter your name and I found a couple of those posts from Nathan in the archives. If Nathan wanted to make an account, he is 100% welcome and I would be excited to see him around.
    4 points
  43. 3 points
  44. A man who needs no introduction, because even though most of us never met him, we all know OF him: the legendary NATHAN HOLLE. Apparently, some years ago Nathan was expelled or otherwise kicked off the Gripboard, for reasons that I think Matt @Cannon will confirm are lost to history. So I believe Nathan would be welcome back here, and he has graciously agreed in the meantime to be the July profilee. I think we would all be happy to have him back here as well. 1. What are your stats? GripBoard name: not a member/ banned. Age: 42 Height: 193cm Weight: 120kg Dominant hand, and hand size: I’m right handed, hand is just under 8”. Country/City: Wales Swansea Relationship Status: Married Children: Yes Occupation: own my own carpentry business 2. Why did you start training grip (and how long is it now)? There where a few reason why I started training grip strength. Such as it was deemed slightly safer to train grip due to age than deep knee bends and it was a fun challenge within the family, can you lift this etc. Pinch, wrists and crush where trained. So I’ve been training grip in some form for approx 30years . 3. What are you most proud of accomplishing in grip already, and what is/are your grip goal/goals? Personally I’m proud of allot of my PB’s, also proud to be part of inventing training tools and techniques such as the holle style bending, now referred to as double Over hand. I have a few feats I’m very happy with, including No.3 and 4 certification. Bbpro close 25kg plate curls Millennium dumbbell lift Inch dumbbell clean 4. How do you currently structure your overall training/how do you incorporate your grip training? 6 days per week training, basically as follows Monday : chest, triceps , core Tuesday : grippers, pinch and heavy dumbbell curls Wednesday: back Thursday: grippers and thickbar Friday : shoulders , legs , core Saturday: grippers, wrists and heavy dumbbell curls Sunday : Day off 5. What hobbies (other than grip/bending/lifting) do you enjoy? Spending time with my family. Researching grip and strength history. Making weights and challenge objects. 6. Do you have a personal anecdote, topic or thoughts you’d like to include in your profile? I’d like to share a personal thought about strength and grip training. I’ve been around for a while now and I think it’s very important to always remember the history, to learn about it and to repeat it whenever you get a chance. Also never give up, consistency is the key. 7. Whose Grip profile would you like to see next? Chris James
    3 points
  45. He has a reddit account (nholle) where he occassionaly posts, mainly in r/Griptraining. So I don't think it's farfetched to ask him to join here.
    3 points
  46. 3 points
  47. Background Info: I am a multi-sport athlete with over 35+ years of experience in strength and endurance related endeavors under my belt. I have competed as a novice, age group, and professional athlete, on regional, national, and global stages throughout the entire time. Grip Strength: I am relatively new to grip strength [2+ months with official dedicated training now] and openly admit that I am now totally addicted to it. My current interests are hand grippers foremost, axle-bar deadlifting, and no doubt at some point, I'm sure Rolling Thunder will be added to the list - what can I say, I am an old school Milo guy from back in the day. Over two decades ago, I was able to close the #2 COC gripper for a few reps with absolutely no grip specific training except that of the weight training & stone lifting I was doing at the time. Goals: My overall main goal now at this stage of my life is to train specifically on increasing hand-gripping strength and to close the IronMind COC #3 hand-gripper.
    3 points
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