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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2020 in Posts

  1. Thanks, coach programmed 6 reps in as many sets needed And cubic yard is how they're sold here. This flow chart might help. Technically a volume but I think if you look under distance/not height/not long/for work it fits!
    3 points
  2. John Brookfield, grip master, is celebrating his 43rd birthday today [Jan 14, 1959]. So if you see him today, shake his hand. Carefully. We can only imagine what pieces of metal will be bent into letters today in celebration, or the front ends of which small cars will be Weaver Sticked. Even at this point John will have a solid place in hand-strength-history, and who knows what's 'around the bend' for his future.
    1 point
  3. I was looking at the York 100 blob next to the York 95. Comparing the two. I honestly could not tell the difference in them in size other than the numbers, (of course) for the heck of it I will be taking as many measurements that can be attributed to the many facets and contours of each Blob I will use a precision outside divider. Here is a list of what I came up with that will be measured Top to bottom ( top center to bottom center of the flat spot USA) Front to back diameter the bottom edge of the slope as it rises to the top slop edge. This is the area where the middle finger rests when in pinch grip. the width of the top edge slope, where the thumb and fingers start to go down the slope. This is all I can think of.
    1 point
  4. I have missed a few log updates but I haven’t missed workouts. Most workouts are little more than a warm up and the main exercise of the day. My conditioning is still a problem without a remedy in the near future and my diet has not been good either. Anyway, yesterday was a nice day so I went out into the yard. Another Fun Sunday Farmer walks 70 x 3, 140 x2 strangely my ankles were the weak point here log - clean and viper press each rep 130 3x5 sheaf tosses 5x3 70% effort atlas stone 5x1 little stone skull crushers 3x10 65 for elbow health Scf polo 0 to 180 with significant effort - I just couldn’t find my positions as this was yesterday, today I have all the weird little sorenesses. no book updates. My audiobook app isn’t working correctly and I am reading through a large textbook that is going to take some time.
    1 point
  5. Sorry, i feel like i need to clarify something; and this is in regard to Joe Kinney. I don't want to stir a redundant pot up again and, ( know) i likely wont on this particular thread...but still. I'm aware of the controversies and have taken the time to research over the years.. I want to clarify my stance - that regardless of authenticity, he was a source of inspiration to me. Its good to believe in heroes - that is all. Thanks.
    1 point
  6. Im the same bone wise. I started with 6.5 inch wrists but they have increased slowly. My vascularity increases with training and my wrist tendons have increased but its very slow going, i have to fight for size. I measured my middle forearms and strangely they were 10 1/2, so my measurement is exactly the same as yours wrists 6, 7/8. Middle 10 1/2 and 11 3/4 at the top pretty weird. First time ive measured the middle. Even when i weighed 90kg i had only a 7 1/16 inch wrist. I find if i lose a fair chunk of bodyweight i lose arm measurement size.
    1 point
  7. Monday Two lads here training earlier (7.30am and 9am). However, the three that was meant to do legs with me... funny how that happens on leg day the most lol SSB Hatfield Squats to 280kg x 4 reps (PB. I may have seen god after cos I was that f**ked) Leg Press to 435-kilos x 24 reps Leg Extensions to 5.5 x 19 (should have been 24) s/s Lying Leg Curls to 5.5 x 19 reps
    1 point
  8. Ivanko SG warmups: up to 12 and 6 both hands CCS // #3 150 // 1 CCS// #3,5 181 // 1-1 SB hold // #3,5 181 // 25 sec - 19 sec CCS // #3 150 // 2-2-2 PR on SB hold. I think I can do close to 30 sec on a good day.
    1 point
  9. Tired of being so skinny (74k) so I decided to see what I can do in the 83k class. My best ever in training on this axle set up was 139k while weighing 74k. It's 150k on the bar and my body weight that day was 82k.
    1 point
  10. OHP feels good for me. So much so I’m considering giving up benching due to constant niggles. Pretty neat how we all have different strengths and weaknesses.
    1 point
  11. The only man to lift this bell one handed from floor to lock out. He previously lifted it a few months back but this today was a far superior rep.
    1 point
  12. Not so much as I am rather light-boned, small-veined, and thin-tendon'ed by genetics.
    1 point
  13. Maybe the climbing background helps? It would be pretty cool to see more high level rock climbers get into grip sport. It's one thing to hear about huge dudes like Brian Shaw who lifted the inch on the first try as a hulking college football player, but climbers are usually a little smaller. I know @Yves Gravelle is one of the lightest dudes to lift the inch. I was a decent rock climber a few years ago and climbed V9 indoors, but that's not the same as being a top level athlete who climbs outdoor and has a climbing wall in their house.
    1 point
  14. Do not attempt unless you have practiced, very strong or kinda crazy. Bonus at end, LMAO
    1 point
  15. At first I was like, “Jikes, only 43!? You mean to tell me he was in his early 20’s in all those videos from back in the day?”. But then I noticed this thread is 18 years old and John should be in his early 60’s by now.
    1 point
  16. It's been a few days and I'm still riding the high from making this lift. I had wanted to try it for a long time but honestly didn't think I was going to be able to get it. Right Hand: 150lb Fisher Anvil from 1908 Left Hand 144lb Peter Wright anvil unknown date. Videos:
    1 point
  17. Very sorry to hear this, John. You are an awesome guy and I hope you have great success with whatever hobby takes the place of grip. Maybe someday the fire to train and compete will return...and when it does it'll be fun times!
    1 point
  18. Sorry about that Ben. I want to address something about a Missouri venue and my involvement for hosting the venue. Really, this could be my future with grip. I want to take a few moments to explain the situation. I've contacted Eric about this years King Kong; I cannot remember when I did this. I have no intentions of hosting a venue. This was something I intended from 2019's King Kong the night before the contest. That will be the last contest I host. I haven't really been involved in grip for a while. This really stems from burnout and I've actively stayed away from grip. From time I may play with a #3, attempt heavy weights on the hub and what I may want to attempt, but I've lost interest in training and competing. I have attempted to start training and lose interest. I haven't lost strength, it's there but there's something mentally that prevents me from getting back with it. Sorry if anyone had hopes for a venue in the Show Me State but it won't happen unless someone else wants to take over.
    1 point
  19. Made a video of some gripper training today. I actually don't feel too good at the moment but I was strong enough to manage two pretty good attempts with my CoC 3 rated 146 RGC. I'll try to make a similar video with my CoC 3 rated 149 RGC some other time + left hand close.
    1 point
  20. Making quick progress, even with dexterity balls and normal fingerwalks all the time, I had no real starting point for this particular type of dexterity with an 8lb sledge. Gotta start lighter, and even at 5-6lbs it takes a while to click.
    1 point
  21. Start with a lighter object such as a broom or a wooden dowel. You are using too much weight if the motion isn’t working
    1 point
  22. I have two, if you’ll deign to allow bending to count. First, finishing what I believe to be the shortest 16mm snap on record, 29”, for David Horne’s List. The weekend after I finished this, I was diagnosed with a crazy flu that kept me out of commission for a week, so please excuse how terrible I look: The second is double overhanding 6” wrenches, which have become a signature feat of mine where I teach. Office ladies fight over my “pen holders.”
    1 point
  23. Went on a 4 mile walk with my second pair of new boots. Probably a good example of my training philosophy haha!
    0 points
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