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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2020 in Posts

  1. Hey mate, we'll be running an event in Melbourne Just waiting for a few things to align before we start sending out details
    3 points
  2. Well this was and definitely will be my last good bend for a little bit. I gotta say the kink in singles was definitely tough but this bend was a good step in the right direction.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. This year, instead of Summer of Rows, I decided to have fun challenge for month of June. 2 Hand Blue Fat Gripz bar hang with regular grip. BWT class over/under 200 lb. and 275 lb. plus. Main rule is chalk ONLY- NO liquid chalk, tacky, etc. Hands and FG's must be shown to camera prior to hold. Prizes will be awarded at conclusion and I will take into account not only time but BWT, hand size, experience and improvement. Thanks.
    1 point
  5. I don't see a lot of people trying the brick stack lift like Herman Görner was great at. Ironmind actually makes an implement called "The stacker" or something like that. However I don't think I've ever seen anyone using it. I've been curious about this strength feat for a while. Going to try it if I can find some cheap bricks.
    1 point
  6. I am wondering if we neglect some "classic grip feats" nowadays. If I think about classic grip feats I think about thickbar (Inch), plate pinch, hub Lifting, Blob, COC Grippers… but maybe we a missing out something that was a classic grip feat in the past?
    1 point
  7. The only man to lift this bell one handed from floor to lock out. He previously lifted it a few months back but this today was a far superior rep.
    1 point
  8. Very cool bolt , so solid looking!
    1 point
  9. I like my scotch single malt and at least 30 years old. Oh, I'm sorry. There were rules? Must have missed that.
    1 point
  10. Tuesday Axle deadlift with straps 297x8x3 (lb x reps x sets) Overhand steel bending timber tie x1 60d nail x1 9/32 x 7" CRS (330) 60d nails x3 Barely finished the 9/32 x 7" CRS. I really struggled with the crush on that one for some reason. Also managed to punch myself in the face on the sweep. My plan was to do my main bends in leather, then bend some 60d nails in BBW's without bands to simulate the IM red nail cert conditions. However I really struggled wrapping the nails in cordura and keeping them tight without bands. Each of the three 60d nails I bent in BBW's took me about the same amount of time as bending six 60d nails in leather. New plan for bending: use @Chez's approach to grippers and just get so stupid strong at MMS (leather and bands) that a wider set (cordura and no bands) doesn’t slow me down on an easier gripper (nail). Friday Zercher squat 187x8x3 (lb x reps x sets) Steel bending overhand timber tie x1 60d nail x1 1/4 x 7" square CRS x2 (The Square 390) 60d nails x6 20d nails x2 60d nail x1 (*in BBW with bands) All bends in leather wraps with bands*. First attempt with the square me a long time because it was way off center so I did another one to see if I could get it down under a minute. Still off center, but it went quicker. I also checked the bars I bent today against the bastard I bent last week and it looks like they’re all off center by almost exactly the same amount, even though the ones today have the three sharpie marks on them to keep track of center and for wraps like @Squeezus suggested. I think that means the issue is with my bending technique rather than my wrapping technique.
    1 point
  11. I didn’t realize that you used to climb. Bouldering V9 is great! That’s more elite than pretty much all grip guys that have climbing backgrounds. I’m with you though, I want to see more elite climbers get into grip sport. The only thing that may hold them back from the top is their hand size. I’m definitely in a small percentage of people who have over 8in hands and have climbed V13
    1 point
  12. Awesome to see you back at it, @Juha Lehtimäki!!
    1 point
  13. Thursday May 21, 2020 Log C+J 200×2, 205×2, 210×1 Log strict press 150×3×2 A1 archer pushup 8/8×3 A2 crab reach 1/1×3 A3 pushups 20, 17, 15 B1 cable rows 30+yellow×12×2 B2 triceps pushdown 30+yellow×12×2 Circus DB 90×60s×3, 60s rest alternate arms each rep Reverse flyes (pause) 5×20×2
    1 point
  14. Nice to see many new benders here! Rehab going well and I start to like this hobby again. Just for fun nowdays and no big goals.
    1 point
  15. Thanks Don. This bolt is a little bit harder than a red nail. But I tought it would be harder. The A2 bolt is more harder and it's going down the next time, I think. These bolts are available soon in a new bending project. Stay tuned.
    1 point
  16. Great job! These one IMP bends always hurt!! I am not familiar with that bolt, what does it compare to? Nice bend Jan.
    1 point
  17. After some fails on big bends the last two weeks I made set back on hard bends. Some solid bends yesterday and after all I did a one IMP bend as above, because there are still some one IMP goals out there for me. Thougt this bolt feels harder, but was ok. Next week is the time for some hard double bends, I guess.
    1 point
  18. I really appreciate this man. I saw your World Class Bends post and thought "dang, that's such a long way off for me". But in all fairness, you've been doing this for way, way longer than I have. So yeah, it might just take time.
    1 point
  19. FBBC 9/32×7" crs in one ironmind pad, not as bad as I thought it would be, but not exactly a pleasant experience.
    1 point
  20. At first I was like, “Jikes, only 43!? You mean to tell me he was in his early 20’s in all those videos from back in the day?”. But then I noticed this thread is 18 years old and John should be in his early 60’s by now.
    1 point
  21. Sorry about that Ben. I want to address something about a Missouri venue and my involvement for hosting the venue. Really, this could be my future with grip. I want to take a few moments to explain the situation. I've contacted Eric about this years King Kong; I cannot remember when I did this. I have no intentions of hosting a venue. This was something I intended from 2019's King Kong the night before the contest. That will be the last contest I host. I haven't really been involved in grip for a while. This really stems from burnout and I've actively stayed away from grip. From time I may play with a #3, attempt heavy weights on the hub and what I may want to attempt, but I've lost interest in training and competing. I have attempted to start training and lose interest. I haven't lost strength, it's there but there's something mentally that prevents me from getting back with it. Sorry if anyone had hopes for a venue in the Show Me State but it won't happen unless someone else wants to take over.
    1 point
  22. Here are some findings after training on the Left Turn Grippers:
    1 point
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