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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2019 in Posts

  1. Since you are new to the grip game any regular training will yield results. My advice is keep it fun and consistent. Most of the guys out here on Team Texas train a similar way, you will get an idea of what it look like when you come out. Hey until then, I really recommend checking out the "grip well" here on the gripboard. It is a section where top level grip guys answer questions and give advice
    3 points
  2. Been 6 days since I shredded the skin on my right thumb. Tested it out today with no bandaids: 2 3/8" NN: Rows up to 300 X 3. Then 3 traditional singles at 360. 2.5" Slug: Up to an easy single with 243.8. Felt like I had 5 - 10 more in me, but the fresh skin was getting hot and I shut it down there.
    2 points
  3. I officially begin grip training this week in an attempt to someday become competitive among the ranks of Texas locals Adam Glass and the pound-for-pound Titan that is Tanner Merkle. Fat gripz and axle bars will be subbed in over a standard barbell for much of my regular strength and conditioning work in addition to allotting three days each week to focus on grip work specifically using the protocal and implements I outlined below. If anyone has any recommendations or suggestions, please don't hesitate to give me a shout below! Feeling pretty damn excited about this new pursuit into grip sport. Day #1: Strength- Pinch Grip Implement (5/3/1) Accessory- Sledge Hammer, Mace, and/or Kettlebell Levering Endurance- Bulgarian Bag and/or Battle Rope Day #2: Strength- One Hand Crush Implement (5/3/1) Accessory- Pull-up Variations (Towels, Ropes, Grenades, Globe, Climbing Holds, etc) and Extensor Bands or Sand Bucket Endurance- Farmers Walk and/or Holds and Handstands Day #3: Strength- Two Hand Pinch and Crush Implements (5/3/1) Accessory- Wrist, BTB, Table, and Finger Curls Endurance- Hanging Finger Holds and Jump Rope Pinch Grip Implements: Open Hand- Napalm 3”x4”, Ironmind Pinch Block, Bumper Plates, and Hub Closed Grip- Napalm 2”x4”, Steel Plates, and Flask Crush Grip Implements: Open Hand- Rolling Thunder, Napalm 2”, Napalm 2&3/8”, Fat Gripz, Axle, Bulgarian Bag, Battle Rope, and Little Big Horn Closed Hand- Grippers, Sledge Hammer/Mace/Clubs, and Farmers Walk Handles Extensor Implements: Ironmind Bands, Sand Bucket, Sledge Hammer/Mace/Clubs, and Barbell/Dumbbell/Kettlebell
    1 point
  4. No problem Mike, I supposed you were busy.
    1 point
  5. Hello I use that as a blanket term for handstands, Hollow backs, crow & crane, planche, HS push ups and whatever dumb pose I can hold on a given day. Calisthenics done correctly will mend the shoulders and increase pain free motion. It’s incredibly useful to me.
    1 point
  6. These are great training sessions. Is 'hand balance' walking on your hands?
    1 point
  7. Lucas gave me all the info I needed, and I suppose that's cool with Jedd too.
    1 point
  8. 5/20/19 Shallow DubHub (each hand): 7.5lbsx5, 9lbsx5, 10.5lbsx5 *held last rep in each hand for time RT= 0:14 LT= 0:11 Flask (each hand): 22.5lbsx5, 25lbsx5, 27.5lbsx5 RT= 0:34 LT= 0:26 Sledgehammer Reverse Lever (per hand): 2x5 w/ 10lbs @17" Sledgehammer Side-to-Side Lever (each hand): 2x10 w/ 10lbs @7.5" Bulgarian Bag Snatches: 50 reps @40lbs= 3:29
    1 point
  9. Monday May 20, 2019 AM Gus came over for some light grip. 2" climber pinch 158×5s×4, 133×10s×3 Old faded deck of bikes tear, then half deck (27cards) into eights PM Assault bike 20min moderate pace 245cal
    1 point
  10. 2 3/8 NN: 375 popped out of my left hand at the top 2HP Euro: worked up to 210. 220 was stapled. I suck 2 3/8 Cannon: lil air with 243 but no dice. Shallow Dubhub: worked up to 60 and stopped to protect my skin. Planning on taking few days to a couple weeks off. Appears I have agravated the Slap tear in my left shoulder to go along with the one that always hurts on my right. Was high pulling about 10 bags of groceries to the counter the other day and boom. Ancient hockey injury rearing its ugly head. Sucks, because I'm not able to sleep much because now I can't lay on either side. Plus I'm a little overtrained I think. Just don't feel strong on anything. Maybe a week or two of my favorite PEDS (McDs and Krispy Kreme) will help me heal and recover. Hopefully everything will be in tip top shape for NAGS. Plenty of time to get my mojo back.
    1 point
  11. Jedd and Luke said it's the worst they've ever seen. No warning. Halfway up with two 25kg plates sandwiching a 45. Had 5 lbs added to each side to make up the difference since we didn't have a 3rd 25 kg plate. Gonna be tough to train before NAGS. LOL
    0 points
  12. Apparently God's just going to keep letting me mess up my hands until I'm competing with stumps at NAGS. Going to definitely lose that nail. Was doing pinch holds / negatives lefty, at the end of my workout with two 25kg plates. They started slipping and I followed em down. One bounced back and smoked my nail. Reason 319 why I hate the metric system.
    0 points
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