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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2019 in Posts

  1. 1/10/19 Attempted grippers...CNS wasn't having it. Tested poorly...as did blobs. Decided to do some unbraced bending in Single IMPs. Failed fully bending a 6" Black Grade 8. (well...didn't want it bad enough I guess) Bent 2 Spiral Reds...20 and 15 seconds respectively. This confirms my thought that the Black G8s I have are harder than these old Reds. That and I hate anything under 7". So the Reds took like 8 hits apiece. Should be more like 3-4 tops. I'm totally out of shape. Yuck. Pretty darn exhausted. I know I should drop down on the Andrew's Axle and start pounding reps instead of hitting it high. I ABHOR dropping workout weight...but need to put the EGO away.
    6 points
  2. The new doctor called yesterday to discuss the scan results. It went extremely well. I have to see him again in two week but Idefinitely found my doctor and I’m more confident than ever I will be back pursing the MM8 in a few months time
    3 points
  3. acorn


    Had a damn fine workout tonight. Good improvements on everything. 01/09/2019 High incline treadmill 2 min Squats - 5x 135#, 3x 185#, 3x 225#, 3x 275#, 5x 335# Close Grip Bench - 7x 135#, 5x 225# Bench - 3x 275# 2x 295#, 4x 335#, 3x 275# (paused CAT style), 3x 275# ( paused CAT style ) Standing Behind Neck Press - 5x 135# Standing overhead press to front - 3x 205# Grippers - #T x 10, #1.5 x 5 LH - #2 x 5, 3x 134#, 3x 149# #3 RH - 5x 134#, 3x 149#, 2x 169#, 2x 176# Grip work on new prototype Therabar tennis elbow rehab - 12x per arm Extensors
    3 points
  4. Spirals (415-430?) are significantly easier. I don't know who has rated the newer ones...maybe @acromegaman? So as a comparison...I think they are definitely 25lbs lighter...but more likely up to 50lbs lighter than the new ones depending on the batches. I'll save you a couple for fun. I used to melt them in 2-3 hits...5-6 seconds. I'm pretty far from that right now. I'm just using these as a stepping stone. I better darn well be in the 650's by time Summer gets here. Skin is good. I haven't even been using electrical tape...but my volume's been pretty low...cause frankly I'm weak right now. Frank...I got an OLD batch of Black G8s from Beatty. These suckers are annoying AF. I've bent a lot of them...just didn't have the willpower today. sigh
    2 points
  5. I did not get a shirt yet that says I survived Christmas 2018, but I think i deserve one... i was also lucky enough to catch Strep Throat from my wife just last week, but thanks to Penicillin I am almost back to full speed. My dasement office gym became the secret gift wrapping place, so just yesterday I was finally getting all the papers OFF my desk... which means that table I was using for gift wrap, was covered in Health Care paperwork, along with Tax prep and god only knows what else... saturday’s Goal will be to get rid of it all and to take down that table and to start training again .., as I basically have not done anything since Gripmas... and my Gripmas was a poor showing... But here we are: 2019 - Time to get back on the bus!
    2 points
  6. 15 minutes of key pinch training with Dozer.
    2 points
  7. I have never bent one before. They stopped making those before I started bending reds. I had heard they were easier but not sure how much difference.
    1 point
  8. I am interested to hear Nate's take on this as well. I always found the spiral reds far easier than any of the newer ones. To me, the spirals still seem harder than the Black G8's but that might be a flexibility thing due to the shorter length.
    1 point
  9. How do the spirals compare to the current reds? How is your skin, holding up well? Good to be progressing.
    1 point
  10. Friday Close Grip Bench Press to 155-kilos x 2 x 1 reps Lat Pulldowns - small v handle to stack + 5.5 x 9 reps DOHTBDL-TO to 180-kilos x 8 reps Bwt: 297lbs
    1 point
  11. acorn


    Pretty happy about that. Was hoping for 1. Went back through my log books last night and highest I had written down in the last 2 years was 1x 176#. Also the 3x 149# LH looked to be equal to the highest I've written down in the last couple years for that side. The bench I only had 2 planned @ 335 but was hoping for 3x. Still had some in the tank at 3 so went for 4. That was definitely a 4 rep max.
    1 point
  12. anwnate


    2x176...don’t call it a comeback!!!
    1 point
  13. Wednesday January 9, 2019 Squats 320×6×3 Deadlift 400×6×2 Superman squats (L1 2" deficit) 6/6×3 Glute ham raise band assisted green×20×2
    1 point
  14. Compare to 190 at the end of August: Seems about right to me. OHP has always been my weakest lift and I lost some pressing strength during the 3 months I ran the Strongfit template. I would also add that I'm right in the middle of a training block and had not peaked to test yesterday. I also did not push to failure as I had a workout planned but needed a starting weight for the challenge. I think this lift reflects my pressing power at any given moment right now, but with the right conditions I could hit 5-10lbs more.
    1 point
  15. 0Ironmind HUB Lift LH 36.25 lbs. , 38.75 lbs. , 41.25 lbs. , 43.75 lbs. , 46.25 lbs. , 47.5 lbs. ,48.34 lbs. new pr RH 36.25 lbs. , 38.75 lbs. , 41.25 lbs. , 43.75 lbs. , 46.25 lbs. , 48.75 lbs. , 51.25 lbs. , 52.34 lbs. Total 100.92 lbs. both hands new pr
    1 point
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