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Closed My Bb Master

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I ordered a Master Gripper from Warren Tetting with the 4 1/2" handles to help me with my short term goal of being able to destroy my easy # 2. I know...I know...I posted back in October of last year that I closed my # 2. This is true. I did indeed close it....but....I've only closed it about 5 times since then and fail at it more than I succeed at it. This is very frustrating as most of you know. I am also juggling bending and block weights with grippers. I am finally getting my crush built back up but just miss closing my easy # 2 by 1/16" every time. I called Mr. Tetting last Monday to order a Master gripper since everyone on this board tends to agree that the Master gripper is about a 1.7 to 1.9 in difficulty. I explained my situation to Mr. Tetting and he convinced me that a Master on exteneded handles was the way to go. I got my Master in the mail yesterday and gave it a squeaze. It pretty much shut itself. I was in shock. I tried it again. Same thing. I grinded the handles.

This thing was easier than my easy # 1. So then I put my hand way up high on the handles near the top and tried again...BAM...mashed it shut again. This made it more difficult...I would say it felt about like a hard # 1 at this point. At this point I am thinking, "oh great...what a waste of 30 bucks". Then it hit me. Why not cut the extra 3/4" off the handles and turn it into a stock Master gripper :ohmy

Before I started cutting I took some of my grippers downstairs to do some testing on my bathroom scale. Testing was done by placing the handle flat on the center of the scale and then pushing the other handle straight down until both handles touch. Here are the initial results.

# T = 90

BB Master with Extended Handles = 100

# 1 = 105

BB Super Advanced = 110

Easy # 2 = 130

Hard # 2 = 148

Just as I had thought...The Master with the extended handles was indeed easier than my # 1 . Now on to the cutting.

I cut the extra 3/4" off of each handle on the Master to make it resemble my Super Advanced Gripper and used a grinder to pretty up the edges a little.

Here are the new results.

# T = 90

BB Master with Extended Handles = 100

# 1 = 105

BB Super Advanced = 110

BB Master after cutting 3/4" off the handles = 115

Easy # 2 = 130

Hard # 2 = 148

Now we are getting somewhere. Know it was time for the real test. I set the gripper down to 1 1/2" and then proceeded to mash the handles shut. I now have something harder than my Super Advanced but easier than my easy # 2 which is what I was wanting in the first place. I will be filling down one of the inside handles tonight to make it a little harder since it's still 15lbs easier than my easy # 2.

So whats the moral of the story you ask ?

Mr. Tetting has the a good idea with the extended handles but I believe that 3/4" is way to much. If someone was 1/16" away from closing their goal gripper then I believe that a custom gripper with the handles extended 1/16" to 1/8" would be just about right for bridging the gap. I will call Mr. Tetting today and let him know the finding of my results.

btw...Warren Tetting is a great guy and I will be doing more bussiness with him in the future.


Thanks for posting your data, interesting reading! I should think you will quickly handle the M once its cut down to stock!


2007 goal: get a #3 shut


I own a BB Master and it is very close to my#2.But the #2 is a little harder!


Good job Travis! Keep that fire lit... :flame


Thanks guys.

I have been destroying the Cut BB Master all day long today.

I will be filing down the inside handle tonight to add more of a challenge to it.


Congrats Travis. Keep it going!

Real Name: Eric Danielson

When you find you're following the wrong path, you correct course.


The whole issue of extended handles is relatively new and not much is known about an extended grippers dynamics, so I enjoyed reading this. Thanks.


interesting read about extending the handles, and then reducing them. i'm glad it worked out for you.......


Xbox Live# x2dogsfighting


I've got an updated for everyone.

I filed the inside handle of the Master Gripper down last night.

I took a 1/4" off.

This did the trick.

I measured it again on the bathroom scale and here are the final results.

Master with 4 1/2" handles = 100lbs to close

Master with 3 3/4" handles = 115lbs to close

Master with 3 3/4" handles with 1/4" filed off the inside handle = 125lbs

This is perfect. I am very happy with this gripper now.

My easy # 2 takes 130lbs to close and I usually miss closing it by a 1/16th or so.

My Master is now a solid 1.9 compared to my # 2.

So what have I learned from all this ?

I've learned that the best way to master your goal gripper is to take a "tweener" gripper and modify it to suit your needs.


Hell yea Travis! Great job!

This is probably one of the best threads I've read in a while. :rock

You'll be killin' your #2 in no time.



Good stuff, thanks for sharing.

Steve Capozzoli


Alright Bro's.

I am a little pumped up right now and I will tell you why.

I just picked up my filed down Master gripper and mashed it shut on the left hand.

I tried it on the right hand but missed it by a hair.

This is not all though.

I then grabbed my easy # 2 and guess what happened.

I closed it left handed :ohmy

Then I tried it right handed and closed it again :ohmy

Today is a good day.


Rock on, Travis!! Your hard work is really paying off! :rock

Chris Phillips

Kansas City, MO

2006 goals: Grade 5 and grade 8 bolt, 600lb power lift series.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


Excellent work Travis! :rock Now you're joining the ranks of people who can shut the #2 with either hand. There aren't that many people besides us grip freaks who can do that. Out of probably 400 or 500 (just a guess) inmates that I've let try my #2 only 2 were able to shut it with either hand. Lots of construction workers and guys who just got out of prison tried. Keep it up. :flame


Great job and very interesting post.

Proud member of the Feat Cheaters Club!

Captain of Crush 2003-2011

Josh Dale

Wentzville, MO

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