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Gripboard Members Meet At York

Dan Cenidoza

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A whopping two people showed up! Big John (pexter) and myself. No matter, we had a good time. John is a class act and its always nice to talk to him.

First we chatted with Tim, talked about training and got him to show us Mark's bell. The 200lb junkyard welding project with a 2" handle. John deadlifted it as I mis-timed the picture, I barely broke the ground before it rolled out of my hand. We looked around the retail store a bit and then ventured off to the museum.

The museum is one of a kind, history and memorabila from everything involving the physical culture. Strongman, weightlifting, powerlifting and even bodybuilding dating back to the 1800's. If you haven't been there, you should go.

We checked out all the equipment, even got ourselves locked in one of the display rooms with the word "PRIVATE" on the door... don't know what that was all about. :inno Pretty cool stuff. 10ft tall squat racks, lifting platforms with adjustable pulling blocks, neck machines and much, much more. When you visit, be sure to check out the display rooms, just don't let the door close behind you! :whistel

On the way back to the retail store we came across a loaded York competition barbell set in the middle of the lobby. Tim said it retails for $3300! :ohmy John picked it up on his first try, me, I had test it a couple times before I actually got it up. 400+ pound deadlifts with no warm-up... woohoo! :rock

With the purchase of a 100lb bell, a few grippers and a couple of old hardgainer mags that ended our visit to York. Now to the fun stuff...

We went back to my buddy Lukes house for some training and some good eats. Luke hurt his back trying to walk with a 675b yoke (at 180lbs) last week so he was just an innocent bystander, and not a happy camper. We started John off with the tire flip and the man tore through it! The initial deadlift was so strong the tire basically stood on end after the first pull... this is a ~600lb tire! He nailed 12 reps well under 90 seconds, wasn't timing it though. Then we loaded my plates, which were in front of the house, on to John's farmers handles and I banged my knees all the way around to the back of the house. We actually took turns on this, 200 pounds an arm probably about 150 yards. Then we busted out the 3" bar for some prisoner squats. 175 was lifted easily enough but when we went to 275 we had to make some modifications. Basically, I'd sumo deadlift it to my knees where I'd then rest it in my lap and bring my arms under for a zercher. From there it was all ugly but I got up with it and knocked out a few reps. John just kinda let the bar roll up his forearms from what almost looked like a curl. The knurling tore his skin up and that was it for that technique.

By now the 100lb bell was in two but proved to be too much for me on this day... and the following day too actually. John got it though. A little sled pulling and a little sled dragging and it was time to eat. Chicken, sausage and burgers... good stuff! Oh yeah, corn too.

All in all it was a good day even with the lack of gripboard members. Pics to come!

Edited by Dan_C
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Dan - missed you sunday at Mark's - I got the thumbs up to get you and him to certify me, oh well, guess it will have to wait until after nationals. Sounds like you had a kickass training session though on saturday. I almost loaded that 315 stone again, I think that I could definately get it if it were an 18" stone with extra weight in the center. By the way, I own the bar that comes with that competition set at york - it's pretty friggin sweet - if only I had a home gym to go with it! Later,


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Yeah, I was going to go to Marks on Sunday, I had a last minute change of heart and decided to go to church instead. :happy

Good luck at the nationals... and welcome to the board!

Oh, and you're more than welcome to keep your bar at my home gym! :D

Edited by Dan_C
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