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Wrist Curls

Guest David Fralick

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Guest David Fralick

Im posting to get opinions on if and how wrist curls should be listed in the Gripboard record forum. Since singles are hardly ever dun, i think it would be wise to list those who can do 200+, 250+, and 300+ for reps. Also there are many ways of doing wrist curls ie. thinck bar, TTWC, full ROM, Part ROM. There for it should be noted how the wrist curl is dun. Thise are just my ideas, im posting to get a better idea of how the board feels it should be dun. Any ideas are welcom!

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As when someone mentions on the board that they subdued the #1 or #2,

perhaps members here could mention when they can wrist curl certain amounts for singles, or more safe and appropriate what they can wrist curl for at least six reps.

This appears be be the least popular, or included, movement here.

Grippers seem to be first, then thickbar, then pinching, finally wrist curls.

Or have I misunderstood?

Anyway, David, for those of us who perform the movement, I like your idea.

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I love the idea myself. But Would there be certian weight classes? Also what amount of weight would be worth mentioning.

i think it would be wise to list those who can do 200+, 250+, and 300+ for reps
Were those example of the Weight that would be worth mentioning?
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Guest David Fralick

Id say your right Roark, heavy wrist curls are only dun by a few people on the board. Im hoping to stir up some intrest in them. Thats one reason why id like to see them in the record forum. Im hoping that if people see the numbes that some are able to do, thay will start training heavy wrist curls as well. I think weight classes may be a bit over kill. The weights i listed were just ment to be an example. Based on my own training i feel most people could wrist curl 200x3-6 within there first 1-2 years of training. So maybe it could be listed as levels in the record forum ie. 200, 250, 300, 350, and so on. What do you think?

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The potential for great wrist curling among the board members is

staggering- but I have had some here PM me saying that they have

tried wrist curling and it about breaks their wrists. I am talking about

some who can close a 3.

If they apply that determination to wrist curls, yes 200 for a set of

six could be theirs.

Wrist curling is the untapped aspect- indeed some do not consider it a

'grip' movement.

Anyway, it appears the lack of response to this thread may be indicative

of non-support for the idea?

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Since starting the online contest, I've been training a full range wrist curl, and have actually grown to really enjoy this movement. OldGuy is the only contestant thus far to break 200 pounds for a single, with 230. A lot of us are in the 180 neighborhood, and the fact that we're performing it with a full range of motion off the edge of a bench accounts for these numbers not being higher.

I like the idea Roark!

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Imagine a preacher curl bench pad which staddles a bench press bench.

Now lower the curl pad down to where it is just above the other bench.

Put a hinge at the forward end of the hovering pad, so that when you stand

over it and grab a barbell for wrist curls, you can sit back, causing the pad

to pivot and be resting upon the bench.

Depending on the curl pad thickness, you can now perform wrist curls

which have the same feel as over-the-end-bench wrist curls without the

hassle of getting into position. At failure, simply lean forward and allow the bar to

settle onto the bench you are astride.

Patent pending number is WowILikeIt!

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Wow... That's a great idea Roark. I can't believe somebody hasn't made one of those yet. I have never worked to high weight on the wrist curl due to that exact problem. I'd love to see a bench like that.

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Thanks, bender.

What I am using now is a pad perpendicular to the bottom bench.

I block the perpendicular pad with my knees (so it does not slide

toward me) then reach down with the back of my wrists against the

perpendicular pad, sit back, 'throwing' the bar to thr upward position,

to start the set.

Actually, I do this only for my final set- the others are over the knees.

One tip- do not use a pad that is narrow enough to allow 'rocking'

(lowering the elbows to raise the weight).

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I have recently begun to do reverse wrist curls. It's a great exercise :even though i can bend things beyond the blue nail and even though i am on the verge of closing the #3 (about 2mms) i use sissy weights on that exercise: 57lbs*10 :ohmy

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There seems to be alot of cool ideas. when it coems to wrist curls I started just doing what Roark does.

Do we want the levels to be super Crazy. Like A World Class Wrist curl be at 250 lbs. And then one level could be at like 335. (Which I sorta Got from Tom Black Taking the #3 gripper whcih is 75% of a #4 and applying that to everything else.)

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Sounds good, with an indication of over knees or over pad/bench.

Over knees allows more cheating (heel raised quickly off the floor for thrust-

which is good training, but not proper for a pure wrist curl.

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I have done 235 lbs in the wristcurl using a pad. I did this for Eric's first online contest. I had never trained the movement. I am going to train on it for the 3rd online event to see what I can do.

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I'm training hard to hit 200 for a full range single. I think certifying wrist curls is an idea whose time has come! :D

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