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Records Fall,guinness Book Added To, Burk Double Clean And Press Inch


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We had a great time at the Arnold's festival as always and changed our methods and venue as normally done. The Sorinex a Mighty mitts sponsored one and particicipated in all of 3 Guinness book world strength record events that were held on main stage during the Arnold Strongman segment. I was pleased to see a man who gives me credit for starting his career in strongman ,Brian Shaw do so well harnessing his 6'8" frame and power for his win,title and 70k check.

The Guinness book records were all directly related to grip strength. A rep Inch dumbbell deadlift of reps , 253 lb one hand snatch on old time revolving sphere barbell and to eclipse the long standing power clean and push jerk record established in 2002 by Mark Henry the same dumbbell Inch replica was used for both the deadlift and clean with overhead. 348 lb, grip and strongman Titan Mike Burke even in numbing pain after several strongman events beautifully cleaned and push pressed for two complete reps the 172 ,lb. 10oz Inch replica right handed and then cleaned left handed and jerked to arms length the bell once left handed. A fine athlete and the best I have seen in grip related strength activities won along with his 4th place in the Strongman a prize of 5000.00 sponsored by Sorinex for his phenomenal lifting. The official record stands at 2 reps full clean and overhead of Inch certified replica bell going from floor to shoulder in totally smooth manner with no assist or body touch.

Odd Haugen of strongman and Mas wrestling fame hauled the Inch replica for a grinding 8 minutes of 40 reps total to establish a world mark as well.

We were honored to meet many of the greats in strength both past and present with Arnold International Sports Hall of Fame, meeting where people from all facets of sports that truly were legends were honored.

Evander Holllyfield along with his bitten off ear repaired ,so graciously spoke to the group about his trials of sport and giving back. WWE star Mr .HHH gave a brilliant closing speech after being inducted as well. Arnold in his usual light spirited manner summed up the need to spread and include and inspire our youth toward a quality life of fitness.

Great to see many of our other friends such ad Jedd Johnson at the show man mountan Labbe and other greats of grip present and gracious as ever.

Thank you to all attending among the 200,000 crowd. Richard Sorin

Edited by 1stCoC
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Thank you for posting this Richard and for helping to make those events happen.

I have scoured the net trying to find the results for the Record Breakers results, to no avail.

Any further details, wrie-ups, links to videos, etc.... would be appreciated as well.


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Thanks a lot for sharing, Richard!

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Thanks very much for posting this...I think a lot of folks on the board were wondering how things went and what records were going to fall!

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I was on main stage for all 3 Guinness strength record attempts but you will find the hard concentration of correct form and completion is one type of focus and others there actually count and record as a check/ recheck when records are set . Judges rarely count and judge at same time. Odd had little warmup in the deadlift and the bell was 100% legit Inch weight. He did lifts in a workman like way but the stress of the trip and other competitions he was involved with took their toll . Still a great starting official world mark. I have call in to scorekeepers for exact numbers of completed reps.

Misha Kolikayev took three tremendous attempts at a split one arm snatch of a 253 lb. 8 foot long bar sphere barbell. He warmed up with a perfect 220 in a power snatch position then tried the actual Record attempt lifts in a high split style coming quite close each time to an under control lockout and recovery but none were completed officially.

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Great seeing you and Bert, Richard. I saw Misha attempt the Snatch and came oh so close. Unfortunately, I missed both Inch Record Attempts.

Do I understand that the time limit for the Inch is 8 minutes? If so, that sounds grueling! Thanks.

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What about Ryan Green? How many reps did he? Probably not "official", but I'm wondering...

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Years ago I saw a you tube post that showed what appeared to be a Inch replica( not certified or identified) lifted clean to the shoulders by a man named Green in a training lift. We tried to contact him about this but was never successful nor did he contact us. There are a number of exact appearing copies of the Inch Replica out there that range from 138 to 173 lb.,that unless certified would be impossible to identify as being legit.

Laine Snook a man of great power contacted the Guinness committee chairman and said he was intending to attend but at the last minute declined. This was not a contest but an opportunity to in a valid way have the best man or woman available in the world to set a Guinness world standard.

There had been from a reliable , world level ,long time judge relate his personal affirmation of Burkes multi record breaking rep ability so, he ( Burke )was chosen by committee to try the attempt.

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Terrific awesome Richard!

Besides Mike Burke, indeed even 4 people can C&P three or more times Inch dumbbell, and thus set a new Guinness World Record!:

Rich Williams, Brian Shaw, Laine Snook, Chris James.

Whether there is video Odd Haugen and Burke?
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Odd is a great grip man as shown in the video but he admitted it was still a bit away to clean the Inch for him. I would think Shaw has the power but was involved and declined the Inch bell feat( he won the 70k strongman contest) Laine is good for perhaps several reps .Rich has the power but a thigh brush during the clean in years past prevented his success. Chris James a truly amazing man would I think get a rep or two but I don't recall seeing an official attempt video of him ever trying it.

Hurt and tired ,right in the middle of competition Burke did the Inch Replica clean with minimal effort and clear mastery. If he was rested and well, I would think he could manage at least a half dozen full lifts and perhaps more if just floor to shoulder cleans.

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