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What Do You Think Of This Routine?


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I've decided that I should probably build up some more general hand/arm/wrist strength before focusing on a specific area of grip.

I've done David Horne's beginner workout in the past and really enjoyed it.

I'm thinking of going back and doing basically the same program except with heavier weights and a different rep/set scheme.

I lift on Monday/Wednesday/Friday (all compounds)

So was thinking of doing something like this:


Grip Machine - 5x 5-8 reps

TTK - 5x 5-8 reps

Wrist Curls - 5x 5-8 reps

Reverse Wrist Curls - 5x 5-8 reps


Farmers picks with Fat Gripz X - 5x 5-8 reps with static holds on the last reps, as long as possible.

Sledge deadlifts and head levering.

Weight will be increased progressively where possible.

Will be using straps for compound lifting to give hands a chance to recover.

Also plan on buying a powerball to use for a couple of minutes a few times a day for prehab/recovery work.

Was thinking of running this until the new year and then focusing on grippers or the blob/pinching.

What do you guys think? Any suggestions or criticisms?



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Guest Squat More

Squat twice a week and do your grip work on squat days, it will give you a nice boost in grip strength, as well as overall strength. Assuming you have access to the equipment to squat, I think it's a great plan. A heavier day with lower reps, a lighter day with higher reps. The stronger you are over all, the stronger your grip will be.

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I'm doing Starting Strength so squatting 3 times a week as it is. Might incorporate the Tuesday/Thursday routines into Monday/Wednesday then the Saturday into Friday, and do them all in between sets.

Thanks for the reply man!


Did you mean a heavier grip workout on one day and a lighter one on the second day or was that aimed at the squats?

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Guest Squat More

I meant heavier and lighter days in regards to squatting, but if you're running starting strength then stick with that. Squatting twice a week will greatly benefit your grip training.

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my only suggestion or critique is to value the opinion of your body's feedback more than any kind of advice you could get here. Don't get me wrong, there is some world class experience on this board; but only you know your own body and can measure how well a specific routine is working for you. My advice: keep a log and be tweaking your own sets/reps/etc... only you will find what's best for you

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my only suggestion or critique is to value the opinion of your body's feedback more than any kind of advice you could get here. Don't get me wrong, there is some world class experience on this board; but only you know your own body and can measure how well a specific routine is working for you. My advice: keep a log and be tweaking your own sets/reps/etc... only you will find what's best for you

Oh for sure. I do that already.

I was more looking for if people thought it was a good idea to train thick bar and wrist in the same session or if there's certain areas that don't really compliment each other. I.e grippers and bending etc

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After giving it some thought I think I'll swap out the TTK on the second workout for the Blob or IM Block. Just to add some variety to the workouts and cover all areas.

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