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Which Should I Buy? A Loadable Inch Db Or An Actual Replica?


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I'm getting ready to pull the trigger on an Inch DB replica or something similar.

If I buy a Slater's Hardware loadable DB, I'm getting it with the 3" handle instead of the 2.5" one.

Just wanted some thoughts and comments from those with either.

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I have a sorinex bosco bell and it is awesome, fully loaded and packed to 150 pounds, rotates like a fixed solid cast globe db, mind you I also have an Inch dumbbell waiting for a friend to pick it up for me in North Dakota for when I can collect it in Winnipeg. I've no doubt the bosco bell is going to help me get strong enough to lift the inch.

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I also have both the Bosco Bell and Inch Replica and that would be a hard decision to choose between the two. I guess it all depends on what your current strength level is and how close you feel you are to lifting the Inch.

If you're training specifically for the Inch, then I personally wouldn't get a loadable bell with a 3" handle, I would get something like the Bosco Bell. If you have the ability to make a plate loaded Inch trainer where the plates are locked down so the bell rotates as one solid mass, then maybe just pull the trigger on the Inch Replica.

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I could not imagine the three inch handle.

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A three inch handle is fun, but (and I've said this before elsewhere) I would recommend that you only deadlift it. Don't do any pressing with it, I think that places too much pressure on the thumb which results in hyperextension (which happened to me. Not sure it was the three inch handle, but I know that after that, it really bugged my thumb to try and press that thing, soooo...)

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I don't have a problem pressing the 3" handle. I train with the fat gripz extreme attachments on all my pressing movements so I'm used to the stress it'll place on your thumb.

I think it's more of a matter of placing the weight in the center of your hand rather than letting it sit closer to your thumb, if that makes sense.

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My 2 cents:

Unless you have large hands I’d be inclined to go with a 2.5” loadable DB. You’ll be able to use more weight and (safely) do more lifts with it.

If you want to train with a 3” handle I’d go with a rotating one (ie. a Crusher from FBBC) and a loading pin.

An inch DB is nice to have – but over time they tend to gather dust and/or wind up being used as a door stop (which incidentally they’re excellent for). On the flip side: If you invest in one you'll almost certainly find the $ outlay quite motivating when it comes to training to eventually lift it! :grin:

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