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A Bit Of Grip History..opening Of Stark Museum


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I am still recovering from the wonderful experience of attending the Grand opening of the Stark Strength Museum in Austin Texas. It is a 27000 sq ft. palace of strength history. The people attending included 8 Mr. Olympia's , greats from the past to many to list and "Mr. Fitness himself" Joe Weider AND his star pupil Arnold. We had great moments with them . Arnold even taking the time to instruct my son Bert in the finer points of shot putting. The grip community was well represented with Dennis Rogers and a number of grip artifacts displayed from the Grip Board members.To top off a wonderful visit with old friends I was given the opportunity to try a famous gripper first won in 1965 from Jim Witt (a Texas gym owner and promoter) that had a "challenge" nutcracker type gripper until Terry Todd shut it. Terry was given the gripper as an award and later as a good will test of strength offered it to hundreds of strength legends including Pat Casey, Kaz, Mac Bachelor (undefeated arm wrestler 25 years) , the entire "York gang",and countless men of strength. The gripper seemed as an earlier version of the first Iron man "super duty" gripper I shut for Warren Tetting in 1989. After I was told about "The Gripper" and it's place in history...I had to ask the question..."do you still have it?" Dr. Todd in a more than gracious way said "yes" and proceeded to get it . I was so excited to see the well worn steel with the essence of many of the great one's still part of it! After an "ok" to try the beast I summoned what little I have, with luck, and perhaps a bit of a gift from above.... shut it. A happy moment that I was able to have recorded by a friendly bystander. This trip was like a perfect storm , the old and new blending their passion and support of the Iron game and its rich history. Richard Sorin

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That sounds awesome. Thanks for sharing the story Richard.

Is this the type of museum that is open Monday to Friday and you can just show up, like the York Museum, or is it an invite only thing?



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I would think we will see both Jed and Andrew in the Stark museum one day... it is a wonderful blend of the entire history of strength and as I said many items on display features grip esp. bending. Nails bent by greats like Bill pearl as well as license plates torn by him as well.Heavy bars are curled in ornate scrolls as well. Most of the Mighty Mitts contest items are displayed throughout the huge building.The Huge 500lb. Bell used in the Mighty Mitts deadlift resides right below the main entrance to the Weider Strength wing.The museum is open to the public and IS an educational research center with the worlds largest strength archive AND study areas. I would look up Stark center and all info should be on their website. This was a many year gift of dedicated work to bring together this wonder of the history of strength. We have come far in the Iron game it is so good to now "see" how that happened. I was never around a finer more gracious group of people at the opening just amazing!Richard Sorin

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