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Malice's Shock 'n Awe Campaign


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A friend of mine joined a fat loss challenge where he works so he asked me for advice on lifting and nutrition so I decided that since I'm setting him up with a full routine I should get serious again and follow the same plan. No sense in being a hypocrite and not do what I'm telling him to do :whistel

I'm calling this my Shock 'n Awe Campaign cuz I'll be bombing my body from all angles and constantly changing reps, sets and exercises to keep it in a constant state of shock. In the past I've always realized the greatest results doing this. Initially I'll be concentrating on cutting fat but eventually I'll be hitting strength gains as well as muscle building so it should be a fun ride.

Starting stats:

Height: 6'0"(this one shouldn't change :rolleyes )

Weight: 245 lbs.

Body Fat: 25% :flame

Waist: 44.5"

Gunz: 18.5"

Chest: ? I'll add this on the next measurement day

Wheels: 27"

Calves: 17"

Forearms: 15"

I haven't been regualarly in the gym in about a month or just over since the left arm injury at the 1st leg of WSH so initially I'll be doing 4 sets of 12-15 reps to keep the pain barrier low for the first week or 2 as well as to get some muscle endurance going. Then things will start getting kicked up a few notches and the fun will begin :devil

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What's the nutrition and cardio aspect of the program? :)

Cardio will be 90 minutes of muay thai a couple times a week and 2 hours of brazilian jiu jitsu 2-3x a week. I do that now so that'll be the one thing that won't really change. Other cardio will be one round of Tabata's on either the bike or ellyptical between exercises.

Nutrition will be about 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean mass and carbs will start out moderate and I'll cycle them depending on what I'm trying to achieve at a given time.

Supplements are pretty simple. Whey protein first thing upon waking up as well as post workout and Casein protein just before bed. Creatine before working out and a multi vitamin as well as Animal Flex for joint support.

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Hey Russ, can I join you in this. Already started working on weight loss last week.

- Aaron

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It sounds like you will be living at the gym Russ. How do you find all that free time? Single no kids? I find it really difficult to major workout plans because my kids keep me so busy.


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It sounds like you will be living at the gym Russ. How do you find all that free time? Single no kids? I find it really difficult to major workout plans because my kids keep me so busy.


I am the same,I am married with 3 kids,so sticking to any major routine is a nightmare.I have to sneak out to the garage to train.Thats why my training is so haphazard at times,never finish a workout.

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Hey Russ, can I join you in this. Already started working on weight loss last week.

- Aaron

Please do Aaron, I'll need all the motivation I can get!

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It sounds like you will be living at the gym Russ. How do you find all that free time? Single no kids? I find it really difficult to major workout plans because my kids keep me so busy.


BWAHAHAHAHAHA...I remember those days and it was SOOOOO much easier.

I'll be lifting at Pure Fitness Mon, Wed, Fri and my 3 year old daughter goes with me and plays in the play area. Tues, Thurs, Sat and most Sundays is muay thai/BJJ and she goes with me there too. Although jits is totally dependant on how my lower back feels so it's not as consistent as it was back in the day. They have a small area set aside with toys, video games and movies for kids. Megan LOVES going with me to "ground and pound" as she calls it cuz she likes training with me at home and tries to mimic the moves she sees me doing in class. She also gets on my ass when I start gassing out and yells "one more time daddy, one more time!" My muay thai trainer says one of these days he's going to put her on the payroll...lol. If it wasn't for the fact she likes going with me there's no way I could train as much (try to) do. Even on Wednesday and Thursday, which are my wife's days off Megan still usually wants to go with me.

Did I mention that Megan also has swimming, gymnastics and dance lessons 3 days a week? Luckily my wife is able to take her to 2 of them when I'm at work and I take her to swimming lessons on Saturday mornings.

I think one reason I work grippers more than any other grip stuff is cuz it's the only exercising I can do where the workout consists of sitting on my butt, squeezing my hand shut once and resting 10+ minutes then repeat :tongue

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Leg Extensions

75x15 warm-up

105x15 warm-up



Leg Curls

50x15 warm-up

80x15 warm-up


110x8 hammies started cramping up


barx15 warm-up

135x15 warm-up



DB Rows

50x15 warm-up

70x15 warm-up



DB Press

40x15 warm-up

50x15 warm-up



Barbell Curls

skipped these cuz I was ready to puke. I'll do them when I get home from work

Standing Calf Raises

Skipped these too for same reason. I'll do single leg raises off the platform at work tonight at work.

I really hate high rep workouts. Especially now that I don't have time to eat a solid meal and let it digest before hitting the gym. I end up gassing out quicker and almost always end up throwing up during or after the workout. I wish I could wake up earlier to eat before but as it is I'm lucky to get more than 5 hours sleep and any less would make me completely useless.

Grippers tonight at work.

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Hey Russ, can I join you in this. Already started working on weight loss last week.

- Aaron

Please do Aaron, I'll need all the motivation I can get!

Cool thanks, My starting weight, etc is from 9/24/2010

Height: 6'

Weight: 275#

BF: ? / too much

Waist: 43.5"

Arms: 18.75"

Forearms: 15"

Chest: 50"

Legs 30"

Calves: 17.75"

As of today

Current weight down to 268.8#

Doing mine mostly thru diet calorie reduction with some additional exercise. My recovery is crap right now and my sciatica seems to flare up way too easy, so I prolly need to back off the heavy singles and heal up before I can add much in the way of cardio or workload. I will list the non grip related stuff I'm doing here. Using fitday to track diet, and my secure online training log for tracking grip stuff.

- Aaron

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Hey Russ, can I join you in this. Already started working on weight loss last week.

- Aaron

Please do Aaron, I'll need all the motivation I can get!

Cool thanks, My starting weight, etc is from 9/24/2010

Height: 6'

Weight: 275#

BF: ? / too much

Waist: 43.5"

Arms: 18.75"

Forearms: 15"

Chest: 50"

Legs 30"

Calves: 17.75"

As of today

Current weight down to 268.8#

Doing mine mostly thru diet calorie reduction with some additional exercise. My recovery is crap right now and my sciatica seems to flare up way too easy, so I prolly need to back off the heavy singles and heal up before I can add much in the way of cardio or workload. I will list the non grip related stuff I'm doing here. Using fitday to track diet, and my secure online training log for tracking grip stuff.

- Aaron

Sounds good brother! Awesome job on th weight loss so far :mosher

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Fat loss is a lifestyle change to keep it off.

Cut out all processed foods and sugar.

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Fat loss is a lifestyle change to keep it off.

Cut out all processed foods and sugar.

Working on that.

Trained last night

Squats ATG 20x185#

Standing Press 10x155# (Immediately following squats)

Grip work

2HP & Grippers

Thumbless SLDL 15x155

Thumbless Axle Rev Curl 10x43 (Immediately following SLDL)

May not seem like much but I was soaked at the end. I made a fundamental change to the way I have been training grippers about a week ago and it seems to be getting my progress moving again. Will know more in a few weeks I'm sure.

BW this morn was 269.5#

- Aaron

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Muay thai for 90 minutes. I've been out of class since I hurt my left forearm almost 2 months ago and HOLY CRAP my conditioning went down the drain. It felt good to get back in and mix it up again though :mosher

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Leg Extensions





Leg Curls









185x8+3+1-left arm was gassing so I did rest pause to finish the last set

DB Rows





DB Shoulder Press





Barbell Curls





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Did a couple sets of 20 pushups last night and got a workout in today at lunch

BW 267.6

Squats ATG 22x185

Standing Press 10x160 Immediately following Squats

Calf raises 12x per leg Immediately following Press

Bench Dips 20x Immediately following Calf raises

Sucking wind pretty good after that

Grip stuff

2HP & Grippers

Thumbless SLDL 15x160

Fast workout, was smoked at end.

Stretching legs & shoulders.

- Aaron

Edited by acorn
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HOLY HELL my calves are hurting!!!!! 20 minutes of skipping rope at the beginning of muay thai after not doing it for a couple months is killer! Who needs calf raises :whacked

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On Saturday 10/9 I hit the gym, still sore today

today BW 268.1#

weight has not changed much but have lost 1" off waist since last measurement


Squats ATG 20x225 supersetted with

Standing presses 7x165

Pullups 8x 30sec rest after presses


- 2HP

- Vulcan

- WD

- Saxon bar pinch snatches

- Grippers

- Saxon bar curls

Thumbless SLDL


2mile walk

Sunday 10/10

Yardwork and work in the garden

2 mile walk

Also been walking 1-2miles just about every night.

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Leg Extensions





Leg Curls





DB Incline




Reverse Grip Lat Pulldowns





DB Shoulder Press




Barbell Curls




Standing Calf Raises




I used the WSH as my excuse to be lazy and not work out last week so I would be "rested" so this week I'm starting back kinda easy so I won't be too sore. The plan was to go light but it turned out not to be so light :trout After all the power workouts I've done earlier this year my muscle endurance has gone down the drain.

Now that I'm done throwing up I feel pretty good and invigorated after getting a good full body pump. Now to get to the store and buy 6 lbs. of chicken breasts, 3 lbs. of steak and tons of veggies so I can have good fuel for recovery.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like you guys are having lots of "fun" I look forward to tracking you guys progress. What goal weights you guys shooting for (body weight). This stuff always peeks my interest (probably why I'm a fitness trainer by trade lol)

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Right now I'm shooting for getting over injuries so I can start lifting again. This is really annoying :(

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