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7" 275lbs Barehanded


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exact measure is 7x0.261". Steel is O1 drillrod

This is a cert attempt for another bendingsite. I really had to get mad and bring out the "ANIMAL POWER" as Hugo would say, in order to get this done.

The bend only takes 16 seconds but don't believe for one second that this bend was easy for me. It was hard, the reason for the relative quickness of it was because there was no hesitation. All I cared about was getting the job done, at all cost.

Thank you

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Very strong bend and it must be very painful! :mosher

Thanks man! You know it really doesn't hurt that much as long as the steel bends. But whenever you hit a peice hard like that and nothing budges, yeah then it hurts like crap.

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Nice bend and sick intensity!

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Nice bend and sick intensity!

Thanks man. I was going to attempt some 60d's after this one, but my hands just wasn't up for it. But I'll probably give it a go in 2 or 3 days.

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Nice strong Bend David .The Intensity is crrazy.You destroyed that 275lb piece of steel. Congatulations on getting the # 1 spot bare hand bending.I will attempmt to bend on some 1/4" by 7" crs sooon.I believe you motivated the hell out of me to try a bare hand bend too.Thanks for posting this relly intense video. Rickns

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That was an awesome bend Dave!!!! Next time try some Nose Tork!! I really don't think most people know exactly how hard that is man, I applaud you for having the courage to try a piece that big man because I sure couldn't. Nice job again!

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Great job David! Glad to see you tearing stuff up! :mosher My bending has gone in the crapper for some reason :cry . I also am also amazed now at the DU and Reverse bends having tried them now. And DU barehanded is CRAZY :bow Keep up the good work David.

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Thanks guys.

Rick, thank you and good luck on that 7x1/4 crs.

Chris, thanks man. I've seen people use that stuff, never tried it myself. Maybe if I go for something harder I may need to try it, haha

Martin, you're a bending phenomenon. But don't get tricked by the steel. Stuff can vary like crazy and mess with your head. From one batch you might be bending 5" stuff like nothing and from another batch you might struggle on a 6" bend. That stuff messes with your ego and blinds you from the real progress you're making.

This is exactly why I like to look at the calibrated stuff from Mike Krahling as my PR bends. And all other bars just as stuff to get stronger at.

It's a shame that horseshoes probably can't effectivly be calibrated.

Edited by David_wigren
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David, this is in my oppinion one of the (shorth) greatest videos ever made about using the real inner/animal power!

You are numero uno(italian speel,because it sounds cool...lol) in my book!:-)

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Guest Bullitt

Very strong bend and it must be very painful! :mosher

Thanks man! You know it really doesn't hurt that much as long as the steel bends. But whenever you hit a peice hard like that and nothing budges, yeah then it hurts like crap.

Tragically, this is why I find most of my barehanded attempts very painful. :dry

Thought I commented on this earlier. great bend mate!

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