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Malice's 60-day Cut


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I signed up today to participate in the 60 Day Challenge at the gym so I figured I'd start a log here as not only motivation for myself but accountability as well. I'll post my workouts as well as a weekly update on basic measurements. Last year I entered a 9 week weight loss challenge at work and lost 41 lbs. and won the whole thing taking 5hundo bucks as the prize. I wasn't lifting at that time, it was all clean eating and muay thai. After the challenge ended I signed up at the gym and got focused on getting strong again and adding muscle which I've done a great job at the last 7 months but I also put on about 3% bf which sucks. Now it's time to kick it in the ass again and get leaned out.

After signing up for the challenge today I went out with the trainer (the requirement for the challenge is to pay for 3 personal training sessions minimum so I did) and got measurements and he wanted to see how much I bench and go over a few other exercises. I got up 320 on bench which isn't too shabby considering I just started benching again a couple months ago. It's up 20 lbs from a month and a half ago, but still down about 75 lbs from my best but it's coming back. I also decided to have him check my form on squats cuz I haven't done them since I got reconstructive knee surgery 20 years ago. Also the workout I'm doing includes 3x20 on squats so I wanted to see what my leg endurance is. I ended up getting a couple sets of 12 with 225 pretty easily and without pushing it at all so I'm happy with that.

Anyway, on to the initial measurements:


BF-24% :yikes



Waist-46.5 :trout


That's all I can remember for now but it's good enough for this.



Deadlift-315 (month and a half ago)

Seated Military Press-225x3

Those are the big 3 I'm working on for power right now but I may add squats to the list depending on how my knees feel at the end of the challenge.

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Yup just started a couple months ago. Plus I've had lower bac issues for years so I haven't pushed it on deads yet. I got 315 for 3 reps that day and just decided not to try for more due to a lack of confidence in my form with more weight. I'm using the Fat Gripz with DO grip for deads so it goes up as my grip gets better. I'm in no hurry to deadlift a ton of weight even though my eventual goal is 550 with DO grip. As long as I don't blow my lower bac out in a dead workout I feel great.

The damn k button on my phone is sticing...grrrrrr

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Good luck man, sounds like you've got the drive to kick some major butt on this!

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Timber, I definitely lost a bunch of muscle during that time but that's just how it worked out. My goal was about 2 lbs a week but it worked out how it worked out partially cuz I was so tired of being a fat ass I didn't really care if I lost muscle as well as fat. This time I'll be lifting weights and making sure to get plenty of protein so the total amount of weight lost will be much less but hopefully the amount of fat will still be significant. I've learned a lot about proper nutrition since then as far as the percentage of macros per pound of lean mass, etc. Back then all I did was cut out the junk food and took in around 2200 calories a day but I know my protein was WAY too low. With training muay thai 90 minutes a day 4-5 days a week the caloric intake was a bit low as well.

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4 minutes of Tabata's on bike

DB Incline-2x12

80x9/70x5/50x6-I was surprised how worn out I was after bench for these. Usually fresh I can get 100x10. Oh well

4 minutes of Tabata's on bike

Flat DB Flyes-2x12



4 minutes of Tabata's on bike

Seated Alt. Curls-3x15


25x5-cramping in left bicep bad so stopped there

4 minutes of Tabata's on bike

Hammer Curls-2x20


20x20-will step up to 22.5 or 25 next time but didn't want to push the left bicep

4 minutes of Tabata's on bike

Left Arm only Machine Preacher Curl-1x failure (working on bringing the left arm up to the right)


In order to make sure I get my cardio in and keep my heart rate up between exercises...this is a cutting routine after all...I'm doing Tabata's between exercises. This guarantees I'll get at least 20 minutes of HIIT cardio per workout.

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Wheels today. I was supposed to do a couple sets of squats too but my right knee started acting up during leg press even though I was going a bit light. During my warm up on squats with 135 the knee was screaming so I skipped them even though it pissed me off.

Leg Extensions-3x20 (warm-up and pre-exhaust)




Leg Press-2x15

6 pies(540)x15-lighter than I usually use but right knee was giving me problems

6 pies(540)x15


Stopped after warm-up due to knee issues

Lying Leg Curls-3x10

100x10(easy)-I'll start heavier next time. I've been doing seated lately so didn't know where to start.



Standing Single Leg Curls-2x10



All in all not a bad workout. Was pissed that my right knee was giving me problems hindering the weight on leg press and not allowing me to do squats.

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Today is the wife's birthday and a rest day for me but I'll still get in 30 minutes of shadow boxing and 50 each leg of front, roundhouse and spinning heel kicks for cardio.

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Military Press-5/3/1




Tabata's on bike

Front DB Raise-2x10



Tabata's on bike

Seated Side Laterals-2x10



Tabata's on bike

Rope Pushdowns-2x10

140x10 (warmup)


165x7.5 (left arm gassed out)


Body weight using slow cadence and 2 second pause in lowered position

Tabata's on bike

DB Overhead Tricep Extension-2x10



Tabata's on bike

Grippers tonight at work

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Nice pressing.

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Thanks Bigdeze. I haven't done military press in a LONG time so I'm still trying to find the groove. I forgot how much I enjoy that exercise.

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Back/Traps/Rear Delts

First off I woke up with my lower back hurting like a bitch and totally exhausted. I guess the low carbs are finally starting to kick my ass. I can't wait for the clean carb spike.

Deadlift(Fat Gripz)-5/3/1



245x1-my back hurt on the first rep so I bailed so I didn't jack myself up

4 minutes of Tabata's on the bike

DB Rows-2x10


100x10(usually I'd step it up to 110's but I was totally spent already)

4 minutes of Tabata's on the bike

Lat Pulldowns-2x10-I've never been very strong on this to begin with but today I just had zero strength for these


150x6/195x3 negatives(had someone help pull down the weight and let go so I could do the negative)

4 minutes of Tabata's on the bike

Bent Over Rear Laterals-2x10



4 minutes of Tabata's on the bike

Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs-2x10(never done this before and my ghetto ass got in the way making full contraction hard)



All in all a disappointing workout since my strength was way down but it's to be expected right now. The workout itself still kicked my ass though and that's all that matters so overall I guess I'm satisfied with it. Was down 4 lbs. from Monday so I'm doing something right. It's mainly water weight but body fat is also down almost 1% so I'm dropping the fat too.

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Back/Traps/Rear Delts

First off I woke up with my lower back hurting like a bitch and totally exhausted. I guess the low carbs are finally starting to kick my ass. I can't wait for the clean carb spike.

Deadlift(Fat Gripz)-5/3/1



245x1-my back hurt on the first rep so I bailed so I didn't jack myself up

4 minutes of Tabata's on the bike

DB Rows-2x10


100x10(usually I'd step it up to 110's but I was totally spent already)

4 minutes of Tabata's on the bike

Lat Pulldowns-2x10-I've never been very strong on this to begin with but today I just had zero strength for these


150x6/195x3 negatives(had someone help pull down the weight and let go so I could do the negative)

4 minutes of Tabata's on the bike

Bent Over Rear Laterals-2x10



4 minutes of Tabata's on the bike

Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs-2x10(never done this before and my ghetto ass got in the way making full contraction hard)



All in all a disappointing workout since my strength was way down but it's to be expected right now. The workout itself still kicked my ass though and that's all that matters so overall I guess I'm satisfied with it. Was down 4 lbs. from Monday so I'm doing something right. It's mainly water weight but body fat is also down almost 1% so I'm dropping the fat too.

Very good job so far Russ. Now, how I see the strength issue... It's natural to loose some strength in some movements BUT you'll be better with some other movements. You may not be able to Bench Press what you press now but you will be able to make a rep PR, let's say, at Pull Ups or, run a couple of miles easier and faster. Think about that. And remember that when you reach your bodyweight goal, with a little hard work and determination, you can again reach your lifting and pressing numbers, this time lighter, healthier and in much better shape. I try to keep that positive thinking myself. The first shock is hard I know, but we'll make it bro!

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Thanks brother! I'll keep and even gain strength on bench, deadlift and military press for sure cuz I'm keeping my focus for those as strength gains. The others can go down and it won't bother me cuz they'll bounce back real fast when the cut is over. I just hate missing my rep goals. I need to remember to start the first set a little lighter than normal and go up if it's too easy the next set. Thanks for the words of encouragement brother!! I'm already down 4 lbs this week, big water retention drop from cutting crap from the diet, and the body fat is down 1% so far this week too.

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Weekends are non lifting days but I still have cardio. Yesterday (Saturday) was 90 minutes of muay thai and today was about 2 hours of brazilian jiu jitsu. I train muay thai every Tuesday and Saturday and jits is Tuesday for an hour and Sunday for about 2 hours. I guess I should start including those in the log but I've been training martial arts so long I never consider it exercise...it's just part of my normal every day routine.

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Rope Pushdowns-2x10



4 minutes of Tabata's on bike


Body weight done super slow

4 minutes of Tabata's on bike

Overhead DB Tricep Extensions-2x10


22.5x9+1(rest pause for left arm cuz it died at 9 so I rested 3 seconds then banged out the last rep)

4 minutes of Tabata's on bike

Incline DB curls-2x10


45x8(left arm died at 8)

4 minutes of Tabata's on bike

Hammer Curls-2x10


45x8(again left arm died)

4 minutes of Tabata's on bike

Left Arm Cable Curls-2x10



This workout was supposed to be done on Monday but when I woke up yesterday my lower back was jacked up bad so I spent the day in bed on vicodin and muscle relaxers. I'll just consider Monday as my rest day instead of Wednesday like usual.

Endurance is shit on my left arm so that's why the weights are a bit low and sometimes I don't meet the rep goals. It should catch up fairly quickly though.

So far I'm down 7 lbs. in the first week so I'm happy with that. Most of it is water weight from cutting out all the crap food and sugar so I'm not worried about such a big drop.

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Leg Extensions (warmup and pre-exhaust)-3x20




Leg Press-2x15

7pies x15

8pies x15

Hack Squats-2x10

6pies x10

7pies x10

Lying Leg Curls-3x10




Standing Single Leg Curls-2x10



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Last week my lower back was giving me fits so gym work was very sporadic and I didn't go more often than not. This week so far it's all good though. I decided to switch back to full body workouts 3 times a week. I not only feel my strength goes up much faster this way but it gives me more days a week to hit just cardio in the gym since I'm working on cutting right now.






Deadlift(Fat Gripz)5/3/1




DB Snatch(Fat Gripz)-3x5




I can usually do much more weight on this but the Fat Gripz really make this more challenging even with the lighter weight.

Barbell Shrugs

225x15 (warm up)



Left Arm Preacher Machine-2x8-10



Left Arm Tricep Pushdown Machine-2x8-10



I know there seem to be a lot of holes here but I'm not bodybuilding right now. I'm working on building back strength in some lifts and hitting a couple lagging areas like traps and my left arm. I'm also keeping rest at a 45 seconds or so except on bench and deadlift which is 2 minutes. Once I get the fat cut I'll be able to better see what areas are lagging and get back to a bodybuilding style workout to bring up the symmetry but it's kinda hard to see what's really lagging when it's all covered in fat.

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Deadlift(fat Gripz)-5/3/1



255x2+1(grip gave out at 2, re-chalked then got 1 more)

DB Clean(Fat Gripz)-3x5




DB Shoulder Press-3x3








Skull Crushers-2x8-12



Seated Hammer Curls-2x8-12



Started feeling sick last night at work so my energy level was a bit low today and ran out of gas early. I haven't been doing tabata's between sets this week cuz I changed the workout around and added DB snatch and clean which is brutal for conditioning. I also lowered rest time to 45 seconds max on everything except bench and deadlift. Next week when I'm more conditioned to the lowered rest time I'll start adding tabata's back in.

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This log is officially shut down :angry:

Thanks to everyone who has replied in the past, I appreciate it.

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Injury?  :unsure

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Injury?  :unsure

No, political. I'm still working out and trying to kill the #3 :mosher

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