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Summer Strong 3 Writeup


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Let me start by saying that there are only a handful of muscles on my body that aren't still sore from Saturday's event. My quads somehow survived unscathed and my cheek muscles are pretty much the only muscles that don't feel huge right now. It was crazy fun! We started at 8am and didn't stop until midnight! Everything that I'll mention below was videotaped. I, unfortunately, have no control over whether or not those videos ever surface.

We started off the day with everyone arriving and began the event with a talk on powerlifting in the back room. Meanwhile, a few of us were getting 2 172lb Inch DB's ready for something unprecedented. It was a challenge to figure out how to make sure the lift was done safely but we finally settled on hanging the DB's from climbing straps between two power racks. Everyone piled into the room and Bert Sorin got up to announce that we were setting up for the first ever double Inch press and Rich Williams was going to be the one attempting it. The time came and Rich got under the bells and gave them 2 good pushes to no avail, only making his best attempt halfway up. Rich said he could do it, he just needed to figure out the balancing issues before he could figure out the groove. True to form he gave it another go, got settled, and pressed 2 Inch bells overhead. There was no leg drive and very little body english. Apparently Terry Todd didn't think Rich could do it and after the first failed attempt some in the crowd had their doubts. You would've thought by now we would've learned not to doubt this man's strength.

Oh, he warmed up by strict-pressing 150lb bells for 5 a few minutes beforehand too but I don't think very many saw let alone video'd...

I don't remember a great deal from many of the talks unfortunately, but I believe there were 2 between the Rich show and the grip contest. The grip contest is what I really wanted to get to though. We started with the axle and used what looked to be a brand-spanking-new IM axle. It was SLICK. Rich, Tex and Andrew were the biggest pullers in the field of 6 or so competitors, big surprise there. Andrew and Tex tied with 451 and missed 480.2 past their knees and chose to let Rich take it all. Rich pulled 480.2 and held it for far longer than required. He wanted as close to 500 as possible and we managed to get it to 500.97, add in the spring collars and I think we're looking at a legit 501lbs. Again, in a way only Rich could, Rich pulled it and held it. A later attempt at 510.5 failed just at the knees. So guys and gals, the new record is at least 500.97 :rock :rock :rock

Vbar was next. This event I think could've been held in a more open area as the huge crowd unded up turning this small lifting platform in the air-conditioned gym into a sauna. My Vbar was coated with chalk, but still felt soaking wet. We had several pulls up to 248, but the next jump was 302.5, a new WR. Andrew and Rich jumped in at this point but were held back by the conditions. Both managed to hop the weight, but no good lifts. Tex, however, managed to pull it, setting a new WR. The next weight was 305.0. Again, Andrew and Rich failed, and the weight nearly held off Tex's attacks until his last attempt. Tex managed to pull it convincingly over 2" setting another WR at 305:rock :rock :rock

Next was the medley, a hodge-podge of grip from Sorin's grip gauntlet. We had 3 anvils: 122, 149 and the Jowett 173, 3 Inches: the 132, 158 and 172, 3 grippers: 2.5, 3 and 3.5 and 4 blobs: a 40, 45, 50 and 53.5 fatman. In total there were 13 items and Tex was the only one to do all 13. The kicker was the 3.5 which managed to confound both Rich and Andrew. I can't remember if Craig Call shut it or not. I'm thinking he did, but please correct me if you know better. Both Rich and Andrew could've pinched a credit card in their numerous attempts at the 3.5. The top 3 ended up being Tex, Rich and Andrew in that order.

It's also worth noting that Tex, Rich and Andrew hadn't touched grip lifts since the Arnold.

As I stated earlier, the lifting went on until midnight. Craig and I had an impromptu press challenge with the 125. Craig managed 9 in maybe 5 minutes and I managed 16 in about 20. I bent some red nails, might have been certified, did some KB dragonflags, and had a great time doing the keg toss for height for 2 hours after the event. I somehow managed to get better as the standard was raised. I originally missed 14ft but ended up just missing 22ft. I managed to be 6" under the standard at every time the bar was raised. We came back inside at around 10:30 and decided it was time for box jumps. We started at 48" and I managed at least 1 standing jump at that height. 54" was next and I barely missed a bunch of running jumps at it. I think everyone else managed it and Craig managed a 60" running box jump! Tons of other things happened but I can't remember everything. It was a great day!!!

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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My hats off to everyone going all out for some 13 hours. The determination, support and atmosphere were just beyond belief! Zach worked his butt off to keep everything in order, weighed, judged correctly, and safe. He amazed me with his strength bending every red nail we had in our brand new Ironmind bag set. He did two in front of me and numerous other grip and strength stallwarts. With me retaining the red nail I considered as my "official" view of his sucessful Red nail bend. I shall give a full report to Ironmind. The day for a very large crowd was full and varied capped off by a good feed (I hope). The little things matter when you hear "afterward" with Rich having a hurt elbow , and Tex having a possible fracture of a finger on his lifting handthey "just sucked it up" to make the crowd and me on my birthday a bit happier by their performance.Well over 1500 hundred pictures were taken and from just what we personally had 7.5 hours of video. It's going to be a lot to look through. The pressing of the Inch Bells by Rich was a feat I shall never, ever forget. Too much to say execept heartfelt thanks to all that attended and gave their best, and were kind enough to send their wishes on my birthday....MY best ever! Richard Sorin

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Richard - Sorry I couldn't make it down but Happy Birthday anyway young man! It sounds like a terrific time was had by all and some crazy strong stuff went down. Great job on putting things together Zack - and nice lifting etc too. Andrew Tex and Rich are certainly in a league of their own - I can't wait to see all the pics and video!

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We have been having post Summerstrong #3 event meetings all day and the most constant name held in the highest praise as being the "man of the day" for athletic strength, versatility, and spirit was Andrew Durnait.To a man (or woman) everyone had the highest respect for this man and his ability. Pound for pound no matter horshoes or handgrenades this man IS the man.If ever you have to the chance to benefit from simply being around him or partaking in a grip battle fellowship this IS the person to seek out. 100% quality and what greatness of a man and athlete is all about. Richard Sorin

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Happy belated birthday Richard!

I'm sorry I could not make it this year; it really saddened me but I hope to return much more often than not in the future as I really enjoyed the last two years' events. Zach's great writeup helped make me feel like I was there.

I'm glad you had another great strength event and birthday. Congratulations to everyone who participated and for all the great feats accomplished.

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Congrats to everyone and huge well done on the world record on the Axle and the 2" vbar! Glad to hear Andrew represented as usual!

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Very nice writeup Zach. No videos or photos, yet we got a great picture of what when on. Looks like it was a complete success Richard. Happy Birthday!

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Us Ohio guys all knew Andrew was going to be big in Strength and grip when we first met him back in 06 at one of the Atomic athletic picnics. He is above average at everything I have seen him try. He just started doing highland games and he is hitting #'s that sold am A's are at And he dosen't have the skills down yet. I am glad I have got to know him and can call him a friend. Wished we could of made it down Richard. May be next year. Sounds like your birthday was a blast!

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For the record the calibrated weights and Apollons Axle bar weighed in at 500.97 and the collars used were weighed on a cert. scale at 1.15lb for the pair. For any of those those interested the sum lifted 500.97 lb +1.15lb= 502.12 Lb. Considering there were was a 502, pair of 452, and two (I think at a bit over 414).... with a number of lifts in the mid to high 300s DID make for a good axle contest field. I wish the guys had a bit more luck at the 2" V bar..the room was hot and just full of moisture. Both Rich and Tex never had tried a V bar lift so their plight was added on to Tex's potentially fractured finger "might" have held them back. The 302 and 305 was good for a world highest mark but under more favorable conditions Andrew, Rich, and Tex could and should do better. I really liked the medley.. balanced, quick, and everyone competing did score points ranging from a few to a perfect score.RS

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everyone tried the millstone but it was too much for the day.There are better spots on it feel wise than others but at 150 you need a GOOD grip to lift it.I am sure ther are some pics and videos out there taken that day. I feel it can be done..Jedd or Chad might have been "the guy". It "might" work its way into the Mighty Mitts contest eventually.RS

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Thanks for the info Richard. I'm sure one of the top guys will get it fresh if they can find a spot on it that suits their ideal feel for pinching.

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Did anyone 1HP the millstone?

That thing is crazy. It will be lifted by someone. Going to take a world class pinch.

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I was down at the GGC held at Richards place a few years back when he first got it. I remember Richard and I both got it two handed and I'm pretty sure a few others did as well. I keep thinking that Richard "floated" it one handed then - perhaps my memory is wrong - Richard? If I had to bet - I'd put my money on big Chad for one handed - he has the best wide pinch I have seen personally on stuff like this - he easily man handled my wide test piece here at Gripmas of a two hand pinch 2 - 100# plates (not the regular ones but an odd ball pair that is very tall and thin) - (but still wide)

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Great contest! I posted elsewhere that I was viewed as crapping on the Arnold event, so just let me state this publicly- Rich's 500 axle lift was perfect.

I would love to see Rich and Tex hit the GGC. Or even David Horne's comp. Hell though, nice enough to see them raising the bar at Sorin's event.

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Also- Thanks to Richard for being involved with our community, and going through the trouble to make the rules okay to compare equally across all grip guys. At times many of us have been pedantic and hostile, so it was nice to see you make the extra effort to be a part of our grip organization. Thank you Richard!

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Did anyone attempt the #4?

After the grip comp, which was about 8hrs after the lifting started, Rich and Tex gave a #4 Sorin had on his wall a few go's. They both took it down to sub-1/2" several times. Far from closed, but far from unimpressive.

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Strong group of fellows!!

Richard doing 521x3 at age 60 was cool !!

Yeah, seeing (on video) Richard rip up 521X3 at 60 was unforgettable.

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Perfect execution on that WR. Rich did grip a big favor with that pull. The official records are getting more otherworldly every year.

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Maybe noone noticed this, and amongst strong guys little details like this don't matter, but good lord, did anyone notice Rich lifting 393# at about 1:42 in the video? It just looks so effortless, like he just bends and picks the weight up faster than I could pick up a toddler. He deadlifts it so fast, it actually finishes with his elbows bending a little bit, as if he were gonna row that weight. What an incredibly strong human being.

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Bob, and guys.. thanks for the positive support. I just returned from the NSCA convention and grip seems to be a more popular subject each time. We had some fun with an anvil horn trainer lift challenge in our booth and men and women alike tried. The winner pulled on our large anvil trainer lifted 173 at a 168 bodyweight...THAT raised a few eyebrowes. Terry Todd showed up at Orlando and in our conversations said how much positive worldwide feeback was given about Arnold Mighty mitts and the great competitiors. Sponsors are stirring and a "green light" to make it even bigger and better so we are looking ahead to make this thing grip we all love grow even more.The competition at my birthday was good on many levels allowing me to personally share my birthday with all our friends and having people "rise" to the occasion made it all the better.We tried to assist Zach to make any contest events fair, varied and meaningful. My thanks that our efforts are accepted as positive steps to give grip it's rightful place in the strength world spotlight. Together, this will work!RS

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