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Modified Gripper

Guest mg6680

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Thanks to Gazza for turning me on to Mr. Baraban. Gazza's custom gripper gave me a few ideas so I emailed Mr. Baraban about having one made. I really liked Tom Black's article on adding washers to a gripper, but have some reservations regarding the durability of the bolt on the aluminum threads.

I emailed Mr. Baraban and asked him if he could make me a modified gripper. My idea was to replace the handles w/steel ones about 1/2"-3/4" longer than stock. Then simply cut 1/16" slices out of the handles instead of using washers. Is it cost possible to cut slices that thin (or thinner) out of the steel handles? Cost really isnt an issue (w/in reason). One could cut the handles a bit shorter than the stock gripper so you could have say a 2.5 to a 3.5. It would be all steel and much more durable than the modified alum gripper.

If you're interested in some grip equipment email Mr. Baraban. He is very nice and probably would get you going in what you wanted. He did tell me he will have some grippers available that are in between the COC grippers poundage wise. Email him if ur interested.

Thanks again Robert and Gazza,


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Glad you enjoyed talking to Robert Baraban.

He is in Austria not England.

Regarding the other Grippers that Robert is currently working on, if

everything goes to plan they will be inbetween the 1-2,2-3,3-4 and

harder than the 4*.

Not shure what to call them yet,as we have the coc,s and sos already

dont want to copy someone elses name(ANY IDEAS).

When they are ready they will be available through Robert or myself.

For those that dont no Robert Baraban is a coc who comes from

The same town in Austria as the strongman Manfred Hoerbol and

has gotten his 4* to within 6mms so is up there with the best,he

also sent over his entire gripper collection to Nathan Holle in Wales

to have a play with,shows how nice the man is :cool

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