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Grip Training Vs. Humidity Levels


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Has anybody found that as humidity levels go up, some of your grip related lifts go down? Here in the midwest we've had a pretty drastic temperature/humidity change over the last two weeks, and I'm thinking that it has had a negative impact on my Rolling Thunder and Blob training. Both of these lifts have dropped fairly significantly for me in this short time period. This has left me wondering if I suddenly got much weaker, or if the humidity is causing my hands to slip off of these implements more easily. Anybody else have a similar experience? :(

Todd Coenen

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I have! It is always like that when it comes to friction, humidity and high temperatur equals less friction between the skin and another surface. When its cold and crisp the skin is harder and drier therfore you can climb harder, pull harder and lift bigger....

Goals 2010


CCS #3 (144.60 ibs) Closed 11-5-09 !

CCS #3 (146,80 ibs)

CCS #3 (151,21 ibs)

Get cetified on the #3

Close RB300N MMS (3,28 RGC) Closed from 30 mm (choked) with left hand

Closed from 25 mm (choked) with right hand

Close the #3,5 (3,45 RGC) (choked to 22mm) Closed! 20-3-2010 right hand

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I have! It is always like that when it comes to friction, humidity and high temperatur equals less friction between the skin and another surface. When its cold and crisp the skin is harder and drier therfore you can climb harder, pull harder and lift bigger....

I keep my house at 68-70 with the AC blasting. My gym is also down stairs, and it's dry as bone down there. Perfect!

Okay! That makes me feel a little better. I suspected it was the humidity, but I was also starting to get a little bit worried that I was losing strength at an alarming pace.

Thanks for the info guys! :)

Todd Coenen

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Same deal here. Sweating right now, just from sitting.

My lifts are about the same in grip as they were a couple weeks ago though. I use chalk though.

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I find that with the proper application of chalk, humidity has far less an effect on my pinch/thickbar related lifts. I actually prefer a bit of humidity to no humidity if I'm pinching. All you need in that situation is a bit of chalk on the blob/plates/device and a bit of chalk on your hands and your set.

Zach Coulter


#1- The Planche

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Grip abilities also sometimes go up brother. Case in point, the Inch dumbbell, in my opinion.

The GOLD STANDARD Feat in Plate Pinching: 2x45s Pinch
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How to Pinch 2x45s Ebook 

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At the first grip contest I ever attended (GGC) - Richard Sorin said that the only true way to test on any friction lift is "same implement - same day". After several years now I still agree completely.

When people used to ask him how it was he became so incredibly strong, it was always the same, "strengthen your mind, the rest will follow". The Mighty Atom

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Being prepared for any random task is not the same thing as preparing randomly for any task.

Greg Everett

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I use quite a bit of chalk for all pinch lifts and jusy a very little bit for most of the support-type lifts. I'll have to see if I can move some of my implements into a different environment......at least for the summer months.

Thanks again for all the input! :)

Todd Coenen

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The heat - not humidity - improves my grip strength. All of my muscles and tendons perform much better when warm. For some people it isn't very noticeable, but for me it can mean the difference between doing reps on a gripper and not even being able to close it once.

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Heat vs cold is always gonna be a trade of when it comes to friction. The muscles and tendons performe better when warm, but the skin and friction is far better when it is cold. It is up to everyone to find out their own trade of point between heat and cold but my body tend to operate best between 10-15+ celcius. If its warmer my muscles feel better but i havet to pull a lot harder because the friction goes down...

Ps a little tip on inproving friction i piced up along the line. Before any frictionbased performances try washing your hands in washing up liquid to get the microfats out of the grooves in your hand/fingertips. Then you let your hand dry and apply a good layer of chalk. Clean the surface you are going to gripp, this i am adamant on! Good luck!

Goals 2010


CCS #3 (144.60 ibs) Closed 11-5-09 !

CCS #3 (146,80 ibs)

CCS #3 (151,21 ibs)

Get cetified on the #3

Close RB300N MMS (3,28 RGC) Closed from 30 mm (choked) with left hand

Closed from 25 mm (choked) with right hand

Close the #3,5 (3,45 RGC) (choked to 22mm) Closed! 20-3-2010 right hand

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