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Injury Question


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I have some kind of compression injury on the base of my right palm and the area between my thumb and base of my index finger. It only hurts when i put pressure on it so it is not that bad. It just has me set back from cushing anything i bend or any kind of work on horse shoes. It also will not allow me to do any Kettlebell presses. It is not bruised but it almost feels like a deep bruise.

Has anyone else run into this set back? How would you reccomend i heal it? As of right now i have been doing contrast baths every other day and using DMSO but nothing seems to work.

So for now all i can really do it work on my reverse bending (which i need to train anyway) and maybe some braced bending, but i really want to work more on horseshoes and DO with single wraps. It is always something, i just seem to train in one direction until i get injured, then i change up the training and go in another direction for a while.

Any advise would be appreciated, Thanks

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It's the advice you probably don't want to hear - and the type that I had the hardest time accepting. Complete rest. Which I never did of course, so I just had to work around it like you're doing. DU, modified DU, reverse, etc. didn't seem to hurt it too bad for me and it healed up slowly over a month or two.

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:angry::angry::angry: Your right Ben, that is not what i wanted to hear but it is what i suspected. Now this morning, 2 fingers on my left hand are numb again. And between my wife's input and your suggestion i may have to listen (for the first time in my life). Now i need to find something else to use for my anger management :angry:

Thanks for the advise, I will do my best to follow it. So you've had a similar problem, atleast i'm not alone.

Wait a sec, what about Dead lifting? If it does not hurt when i am exercising, i should be okay right? I just can not imagine not bending for a month or 2 :angry:

Edited by Mike K
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Ben always gives the best advice.

Actually Ben was the responsable for my quick jump from a weak 60 d nail to a red in 2 weeks.

After i got hurted in the beggining he told me to use ibuprofen and ice/rest cant remember properly.

Mind like Gazza says its very powerfull so this is going to be abattle betwen your injury and your mind Mike!

If u can do reverse bending i guess u are going to improve your DO aswell.

best of luck!

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I've gotten this a couple of times working big crush isos with limited padding. But mainly from limited padding braced crushing, I push down on the top of my thigh and against my body allot and the posting hand between my leg and the end of the bar can take a beating.

Like Ben said, nothing to do but rest unfortunately. I did get a little freaked out from some weird numbness or tingling at times but it has always gone away after a little while. Either that or the nerves died, either way it doesn't bother me anymore and I can crush most of that stuff that hurt me now with little discomfort, it's just a side affect of conditioning (nerve deadening and increasing pain threshold).

I wouldn't be too worried unless it takes a real long time to heal or gets worse, then you might need to have a doc look at it. Gazza did break a bone in his hand in that area a while back so it certainly can happen.

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Oddly enough, i am glad to hear i am not the only person that has delt with this. I have never been a fan of going to a doctor so to hear that you guys have similiar problems makes me feel alot better. I have stopped all working out for now, and i will see how long i can keep this up. And because of a pain in my heel, i can't even run or deadlift :angry: It has been a whole 1-1/2 days and my family is ready to kick me out. It is like i am trying to get off an addicting drug or something. But if it will help me get back to 100% faster, i have to give it a try. Thanks everyone for you input.

Edited by Mike K
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if you've got numbness in your fingers then i'd rest for a week or so. You could have swelling in your hand which is affecting the nerves.

having injured my hand recently, i can tell you that nerve damage to your hand is not much fun at all, and takes a long tim to heal.

all the best!

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