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Finally Got Everything

John Beatty

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The reamers arrived just before I left for work, so gripper production begins tomorrow, I'll run the reamers to Jerry's with the springs & list of gripper orders we have so far. Hope to be shipping by the weekend. Again the P series springs are beasts. May add more of them.

I like heavy things.

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cant wait to get my order , thanks for the update John

Steve Pekarskiy

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What FBBC gripper will be in the coc #2.5 - BB Super Master range?

Probably the 3x - 272

Any pics?

I'll get some pics up of the prototypes with brass & smooth steel in a day or two, at work 12 hours today

X - 243

2X - 250

3X - 272

4X - 283

5X - 306


P1 - 343

P2 - 375

John, are there numbers a estimate based on COC poundages ? Or are they RGC calibration numbers ?

Neither, those are the wire sizes. A 250 is about the same size as a #2 (maybe a hair bigger), a 283 is a hair over a #3, a 306 is a little under a #4, I believe. The Parallels seem like monsters, but trust me, we did a prototype with a parallel at the 283 wire, and I did index finger closes. You're only talking a 3/4" to 1" spread, they need to be monsters or they'd be useless.

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