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Mighty Joe's Grip Tools

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Hey guys!

Posted 4 new pics of some of my grip tools and

the areas I workout in.

The pics are in my gallery under "grip tools".


Mighty Joe :)

If you focus on your problems, you'll have more problems.

If you focus on your POSSIBILITIES, you'll have more OPPORTUNITIES !

My Bog: http://musselwhitepapers.blogspot.com/


Nice setup!

svr (Sean)

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." — Theodore Roosevelt


You got a lot of toys, Joe. That rope is pretty boss.

2013 Grip Goals
DO Axle 450 - Current 413
Gripper 190 - Current 173
2HP 220 - Current 210
Total 860 - Current 796

Little Big Horn 240 - Current 215

IM Hub 70 - Current 55


Nice equipment collection you have there. The grip feats should fall quickly, once you start using that stuff. My wife thinks I have too many grip toys that I don't use on a regular basis :D

with every adversity there is a seed of opportunity

My videos


Thanks guys!

I have many more tools stashed away in my closet.

Like John said, a lot of the stuff hardly gets used.

Mighty Joe

If you focus on your problems, you'll have more problems.

If you focus on your POSSIBILITIES, you'll have more OPPORTUNITIES !

My Bog: http://musselwhitepapers.blogspot.com/


I want that "grip corner" :D Great stuff you got there!

*Gripper ratings

Hands: L/R
breadth: 9/9cm
length: 18.5/18.5cm
circumference: 22/22,5cm

Hand size chart



I'm like that also Joe.

I have alot grip tools some sitting in the corner collecting dust but it's nice to know when i feel like working with them i have them to use and don't wish i had them.

They all get used, eventually i come around to them at one point in time or another.


never sell them!

I sometimes sell stuff to buy new things, thinking that I wont miss it because I dont use t much, but I always regret it!

never sell them!

I sometimes sell stuff to buy new things, thinking that I wont miss it because I dont use t much, but I always regret it!

You're right! I've done it in the past, but no more.

Mighty Joe

If you focus on your problems, you'll have more problems.

If you focus on your POSSIBILITIES, you'll have more OPPORTUNITIES !

My Bog: http://musselwhitepapers.blogspot.com/


Joe in your closet do you have the John Brzenk kit?


THP -  225
SMASH - IM 3.5 L & R
Reg. Deadlift - 600 lbs
Milfield 380 on IM axle

Little RED in IM Pads

"Positive Energy Activates Constant Elevation" - GRAVEDIGGAZ

Joe in your closet do you have the John Brzenk kit?


It's still in the package and never been opened. :D

Mighty Joe

If you focus on your problems, you'll have more problems.

If you focus on your POSSIBILITIES, you'll have more OPPORTUNITIES !

My Bog: http://musselwhitepapers.blogspot.com/


whats the john brzenk kit?

whats the john brzenk kit?

It's a joke Jeff.

Mark, Paul Knight, Eric Millfeld, Casey Emery and others know of my past career

as an arm wrestler and joke around with things like this.

If there was such a thing as a John Brzenk kit, believe me, I would have one

stashed in my closet for sure. It's safe to say every pro arm wrestler alive would too.

Mighty Joe

If you focus on your problems, you'll have more problems.

If you focus on your POSSIBILITIES, you'll have more OPPORTUNITIES !

My Bog: http://musselwhitepapers.blogspot.com/

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