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Chat room?


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If we wanted a grip chatroom we could just use a web IRC interface or something like mIRC and make one.  Also, even though it isn't very technical, mIRC seems to stump people who are just barely comfortable with web interfaces time and time again.

The mircx.com java IRC client could work.  Even the technically inept can type in a name beside nickname and 'gripboard' beside channel.

The real issue comes in having people willing to 'idle' (sit around) in the room as if there's never anyone around and people just go in and out then the room will never fill up.  We could also have scheduled 'chat times' maybe once a week.  Optional, of course, but just have a time where there's a good chance a bunch of us will show up.

What does everyone think?

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i think it woulb be cool. and is a good idea, IF like you say, people will come to the chatroo.  perhaps a planned chat day would be the best way to go. it would be cool to do so. you could talk about alot, and cover more grond on a grip subject than the posting does! not that i dont love this site wannagrip! :D

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Microsoft Chat would do just fine. Chatnet seems to be more reliable than Dalnet as far as being able to log on is concerned. The room could be called Grip chat or something similar.Those who are comfortable with Mirc can of course use that. It all comes to the same thing. Someone has to just go ahead and open a chatroom, having advertised that they were going to do so, and then see who shows up.

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I had given some thought to this idea before, the chat room, however there was a major drawback in my opinion. If people started getting into the chatroom and discussing grip topics then they probably woudlnt post to the board. And since the chances of everybody being able to listen to the chat at the same time is impossible, alot of good topics could be missed by those who were not able to chat about them in the chatroom. With the board here that isnt an issue because whenever a post is putup then anybody can read it at anytime, I think that is important and why boards are a great thing.

But I do also think it would be fun to be able to talk with other grip enthusiasts in real time in a chat like IRC. I know I spend some time on IRC as it is, and its the best chat network around as long as people can learn to use it. I know there is a #bodybuilding on EFnet, and although most of the people in there seem to have no clue about bodybuilding, if anybody started some type of #grip channel I'd definitly frequent it, maybe even setup some bots if we were to get serious enough. Also since you can log conversations on IRC, from time to time if there was a real good in depth conversation, it could be logged and then posted to the gripboard as a type of question and answer article. Just some thoughts.

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It wouldn't be much of a hassle, if someone sets up a bot, to have the thing log all the time.  Really, it takes a loooooong time for logs to get large even in semi-active channels.  If we were going to do it I'd say go with either Efnet or UnderNet.  I sort of like Dalnet but I find networks with nick registration annoying for the casual IRCer.

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