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So what would an average BBE come out to be in lbs? curious? :online

That would be tough to determine, as it seems Warren has changed the mounting depth over the years. I think it is a thing that should be considered if the average was calculated. Super Elites for example are very tough these days and I'd be surprised if any of the present ones went as low as under 190 lbs which is 3.68 on the CoC-scale. But there are significantly easier ones from the earlier years. With BB's, I'm convinced that new ones are generally harder of what they used to be.

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Let me ask you another question Teemu (cause I trust your opinion) Eric and I have discussed this before. We have alot of different grippers at Eric's now that are calibrated, some mine, some his, and a bunch from other people who gave them to get calibrated and of course we like to give each one a try :) , but what we have noticed is that some grippers that cal less than others feel tougher to close than the compared gripper. I know this surely has been discussed before :rolleyes Is it just that its tough all the way through? because it would seem like if you are able to set it to parallel just like the compared gripper it shouldn't feel harder to close, just harder to set. right? maybe we're just not getting a good enough set. I guess a good expieriment would be to parallel choke both grippers and then try em, see if the one that cals less will feel easier. I think I may have just answered my own question :laugh Anyways, if you would like to elaborate Teemu it would be much appreciated. :D

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lloyd80s, Good purchase. You might be surprised to find that BBE as hard as about 3.5. Warren's been burying the springs lately!

I guess the harder it is the better!! :blink

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I ordered T7-9...came in bubble wrapped same as my BBers from wwfitness.com...same grippers...ships quickly with a saving of 7 per gripper and free shipping if u get 75 or more on first order...

Edited by menace3000
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