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First Bending Equipment/bag/set?


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I want to start bending and I want to find a good beginners set for a low price. these are the ones i have seen:

IM bag of nails: http://www6.mailordercentral.com/ironmind/...asp?number=1236

fatbastard beginners bag: http://www.fatbastardbarbellco.com/BENDERSBAG.html

The fatbastard beginners bag looks more cost efficient.

Does the IM bag of nails have any advantages over the fatbastard beginners bag?

If you've seen a better deal than those please tell me.

is there any other equipment you need other than one of these bags?

any tips\ advice would be appreciated, its gonna be my first time bending....



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Get the FBBC bag, hands down and no questions asked. Make sure that when you email FBBC for a quote that you also ASK FOR AT LEAST ONE SET OF LEATHER WRAPS. You can get 2 sets if want, for double wrapping(which makes bending easier because it hurts less). I believe Leather wraps are $5 and suede are $7, suede is thicker and harder to wrap around smaller bars but it also cushions the hands more. Leather wraps will take you farther though.

The advantages that I see from an IM bag is that you get the IM wraps which are great training tools in themselves BUT the FBBC bag is a much better choice overall because you get a large variety of steel and you even get 2 horseshoes :)

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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thanks a lot thats what i was thinking..

do you know if they ship worldwide?

John will ship anywhere...just email him for a quote. As far as I know there is no benefit whatsoever to the IM bag of nails. The FBBC bag has a lot more steps to help you get where you're going.

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I just recently bought one of the FBBC beginner's bags..More than happy with the decision. It gives you a much better gauge as to where your strength lies. Plus it is much cooler to pop open the box and see all the differnt "victims" cowering in side... I got a set of FBBC leather wraps and they are well worth the money, nice and thick. A bit hard to roll up the smaller stuff in, but that is more incentive to get in to bigger steel..

Get the FBBC bag and a few pounds of 60d nails and you are on your way...


Edited by BrandonA
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Yep the FBBC beginners bag is much better than IronMind bag. It's cheaper and have much more stock. Like what Zach said ask for pads also. But what do I suggest is to buy IronMind pads because you need to toughen those hands a bit. Train on it till you can bend a Bastard/Red. Believe me you will get used to it. I used to train on it. After the Bastard bar/Red cert you can use FBBC pads to destroy some big steel :D

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