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Best Exercises For Bending Steel

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I know a lot of you guys at the board can bend steel (wrenchs, horseshoes, etc), i just want to know which exercices ar good for developing the right strength for bending steel.

Thanks and Best wishes


I know a lot of you guys at the board can bend steel (wrenchs, horseshoes, etc), i just want to know which exercices ar good for developing the right strength for bending steel.

Thanks and Best wishes

not to sound like a broken record here but i have talked with many a great benders and their advice is all the same...bend more steel...there are no real exersises that hit the muscles the same as bending...so take what you can bend and bend alot of it same with horse shoes find a size you can bend...get a bunch of them and bend them until you can jump up a size thats the best advice I can give you.


I'm no expert or anything, but I believe sledgehammer levering is second in line, behind the bending itself--at least for short bar bending and general wrist strength, that is.

Justin Reagan


Yah, sledge levering, more bending, and deadlifting if you r a DO bender.

There is a natural order. The way things are meant to be. An order that says the good guys always win, that you die when it's your time or when you have it coming, that the ending is always happy-if only for someone else.


how a deadlift help you in DO bending?

Read about me in my biography.

Founder of Middle East and North Africa Grip Sports (MENA grip organization)

"I made him an offer he couldn't refuse"

― Marlon Brando

“We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?”

― Steve Jobs


Clay Edgin did a study a while back, and found that almost everybody who could bend a red DO could deadlift a decent amount. I think the article is over at dieselcrew.com

There is a natural order. The way things are meant to be. An order that says the good guys always win, that you die when it's your time or when you have it coming, that the ending is always happy-if only for someone else.

Clay Edgin did a study a while back, and found that almost everybody who could bend a red DO could deadlift a decent amount. I think the article is over at dieselcrew.com

I thought the outcome of the article had more to do with the body types that DO and DU benders tend to have?

Either way, anything that increases upper back strength, specifically deadlifting, will definetely help your bending. Deadlifts, power cleans, heavy shrug variations, dips, bench press, rows, and wrist work will all help your bending.

Tim Myrick

"Mr. Lahey, is this you, or the liquor talking?"

'Randy...' *SWIG-SWIG-SWIG* *GULP* '...I am the liquor.'

He who fights monsters...


I believe it was something like 12 of 14 of the RED benders he talked to could Dead Lift over 600lbs.

Still, bending is the best. Dead lifting won't hurt, of course.


The average deadlift was 495, and 9 of 17 of the guys could pull over 600. The lowest deadlift among the benders was 455.


Real name: Stan Hunter


My favorite movements for bending were dead lifting, tri work, upper back work and bending itself.

When my board work was strong, my bending was strong.

Enter the zone, feel no pain, dont hold back, and all the power in the world is in your hands...

The average deadlift was 495, and 9 of 17 of the guys could pull over 600. The lowest deadlift among the benders was 455.


The name of the article is "Bending for your Body Type."

"I started out looking for a link between upperback strength of deadlifters and their ability to bend big steel DO, but that soon gave way to the long arms theory because it just made more sense."

Nevertheless, regardless of your bending-style, deadlifting and upperback work will help.

Tim Myrick

"Mr. Lahey, is this you, or the liquor talking?"

'Randy...' *SWIG-SWIG-SWIG* *GULP* '...I am the liquor.'

He who fights monsters...


JEDD, yeah, what really took my bending to the next level for me was doing close grip board work with lotts of band tension.

When I increased my band tension, my bending got better. The week I kinked that 6 5/16 G5 I did double med and double min for a single off of a 2 board.

Thats just what worked for me, I guess having the 600 pull held a lot too, but I rarely dead lift.

Enter the zone, feel no pain, dont hold back, and all the power in the world is in your hands...


Anyone here thinks things like the formulator, pegasus and barbell wrist curls help? Or is it the wrong plane of wrist strength?


My DO theory:

1. technique

2. wrists

3. strength


you have to want to bend whatever is in your hands

It's a journey into hell for as long as u can take it

............LOUIE SIMMONS


Bend, Bend, watch film of your self and others bend, bend some more, rest, increase your pain threshold, bend some more, do not give up on yourself and ask for help whenever you are stuck on a tough piece of steel, and always remember: we are the ones who created the process to refine and produce steel so do not ever think you can own and dominate something you helped create.



People sleep peacably in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. -George Orwell

Real Name: Sean Prince

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