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Needing Help With Closing Bbgm


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Well my dilema right now is that I ordered the BBGM and Elite Saturday and I got it today.. I now have a new respect for grippers and #3 closers, now that said..

I can close the #2 pretty regulary, I can do strap holds with it and I can do time holds and somewhat overcrushers. I picked up the BBGM and can't move that damn thing to save my life. I put it parallel and sure as hell can't even make the damn thing sqeeck. I was wondering how do I work up to this? Like I said 9/10 I can close the #2 yet I'm not anywhere close to getting the BBGM to move and would like some advice on how to close it.

Thanks Gripboard.

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Try negatives with it, force it closed with the help of your other hand. I'd also get BBSM to work with. Plus file down your #1 if you have it to dominate that #2 each and every time.

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Try negatives with it, force it closed with the help of your other hand. I'd also get BBSM to work with. Plus file down your #1 if you have it to dominate that #2 each and every time.

If I'm not mistaken tho isn't the BBSM only 5lbs more difficult then the #2? It just doesn't seem right to get that if it is only such a SMALL bit difference? By no means am I trying to be difficult but between getting the grippers (I have T,1,2,3,BBGM and BBE) and getting my Whey protein it's hard to get to splurge on things..

Other than negatives are their anyother ways? I can barely even get the thing parallel let alone all the way.. I can dominate that #1 with a hose clamp on the springs pretty well.. I can strap hold 2.5 pounds on a #2 for 10 seconds...

Thanks again Gripboard..

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Try negatives with it, force it closed with the help of your other hand. I'd also get BBSM to work with. Plus file down your #1 if you have it to dominate that #2 each and every time.

If I'm not mistaken tho isn't the BBSM only 5lbs more difficult then the #2? It just doesn't seem right to get that if it is only such a SMALL bit difference? By no means am I trying to be difficult but between getting the grippers (I have T,1,2,3,BBGM and BBE) and getting my Whey protein it's hard to get to splurge on things..

Other than negatives are their anyother ways? I can barely even get the thing parallel let alone all the way.. I can dominate that #1 with a hose clamp on the springs pretty well.. I can strap hold 2.5 pounds on a #2 for 10 seconds...

Thanks again Gripboard..

I think that you may be talking about the BBM or Master. The BBSM or Super master is between 2.3 and 2.6 I believe. I have a BBSM and it seems a fair amount tougher than the #2.

- Aaron

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The Beef Builder Super Master should fall between your coc#2 and Grand Master. Go by the wire size and not the poundage.

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It should go something like this...

Coc #1



Coc #2


Coc #3


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I will bet if a poll were taken, the best "in between" gripper of all 20 of them out there would be the BB SuperMaster. Hands down, by a landslide.


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My BBSM was a GREAT steppng stone for me to get my #3 closed. From #2 to #3/BBGM is a huge jump.


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BBSM is alot harder than the #2. Forget the poundage ratings. Perfect stepping-stone. Negatives with the BBGM and overcrushes with the #1 will get you closer to the GM and have you dominating the #2.

KTA and balls (shorthand for singleminded purpose and dedication!) got my BBGM to 1/8" consistently but never closed, and it's been laughing at me now for almost a year! The "other" grip training I've been doing since (more "sensible" and varied) is barely even enough to maintain my gripper ability after KTA, and I have other incompatible training goals at present. That being said...try KTA.

BBGM is no joke (basically #3 level), so be prepared to go to war if you want to conquer it!

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My progress with grippers has been really fast lately. May surprise some of you, but I think the main reason for that has been that I've been training my wide grip pinching a lot for a few months. It has helped me where I've had most difficulty, that is the beginning of the squeeze with hand wide open.

BBSM truly is a great gripper that seems to fall right in the middle of #2 and #3. Trust me and the others who say that it is just perfect. Poundage ratings between different brand grippers aren't comparable.

Any other way to go besides negatives? There's hardly any more effective way, but it can be a hazardous approach if not done carefully and by neglecting your wrist work and extensor stuff. So train your hands with versatile exercises, focusing on grippers only has produced hand pains for many it seems.

Correctly done negatives are the way to go.

Edited by Teemu I
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