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26 Reps On #2 But The #3 Will Hardly Budge!


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new to the board so hello to everyone

ive been grip training for about 3 an a half, 4 months now - fast high rep stuff until i recently got the ironminds - ive crushed apples, rolled frying pans, an recently got the COC #2 for 26 - not all of them were full reps as in opening it all the way, but every rep was a complete shut

then theres the #3 - ive attempted it about 5 times an it's never even came close - it feels like im trying to crush an iron bar or something! i can get it to about an inch off, maybe not even that, some people cant even move it

ive heard some #3's feel like #4's - could this be the case? or do the grippers need to be worn in a bit?? or am i just not strong enough???

ive not used any chalk yet, does that make much of a difference??

ive just ordered the hg 250 so i hope that helps

i REALLY wanna get certified on the #3 before im 20 in august, any help would be fully appreciated

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Your #3 is probably just a #3, not a #4. It's just that only doing reps with the #2 won't get you to the #3.

You were better off with a HG300 because those things mostly season down to around 2.7 or so.

If you have the #3, do some negatives with it, and do strapholds with the #2.

I got a sixth sense that tells me you ain't worth six cents

Rise and Fall

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Your #3 is probably just a #3, not a #4. It's just that only doing reps with the #2 won't get you to the #3.

You were better off with a HG300 because those things mostly season down to around 2.7 or so.

If you have the #3, do some negatives with it, and do strapholds with the #2.

2.7 as in 270lbs? if so i wouldnt be able to close that if this 3 i have is 280..does the 3 season down??

im not sure i can do negatives as i dont know if i can close it with both hands to get it shut lol seriously - ill have a go when im fresh

sorry, but i dont know what strapholds are??

Edited by viper
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Your #3 is probably just a #3, not a #4. It's just that only doing reps with the #2 won't get you to the #3.

You were better off with a HG300 because those things mostly season down to around 2.7 or so.

If you have the #3, do some negatives with it, and do strapholds with the #2.

2.7 as in 270lbs? if so i wouldnt be able to close that if this 3 i have is 280..does the 3 season down??

im not sure i can do negatives as i dont know if i can close it with both hands to get it shut lol seriously - ill have a go when im fresh

sorry, but i dont know what strapholds are??

2.7 would mean where it falls between a #2 and #3. 2.5 would be right in between. Poundages are really irrelevent since they vary so much from gripper to gripper anyway.

Strapholds are when you use a strap to hold weight on and the objective is to see how much weight you can hold between the shut handles of a #2 (to help you increase your close strength to get to to the #3) only using the closing hand that is on the gripper. So you close the handles most of the way, instert the strap that is loaded with some small weights (start at 2.5lbs or lower if you have smaller plates) and close the #2 with the strap caught inbetween. Hold the strapped weight off of the ground between the handles of the gripper for either as long as you can or a timed amout, like 20 seconds (or more or less) or something like that. Work your way up with small increments.


Edited by porkchop

Real Name: Gregory Allen

2008 Goals

Pinch: Blob 50, 2x45's

Crush: MM2, IM #3.5

"There's no limits, just the ones you set for yourself." --Joe Kinney

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Your #3 is probably just a #3, not a #4. It's just that only doing reps with the #2 won't get you to the #3.

You were better off with a HG300 because those things mostly season down to around 2.7 or so.

If you have the #3, do some negatives with it, and do strapholds with the #2.

2.7 as in 270lbs? if so i wouldnt be able to close that if this 3 i have is 280..does the 3 season down??

im not sure i can do negatives as i dont know if i can close it with both hands to get it shut lol seriously - ill have a go when im fresh

sorry, but i dont know what strapholds are??

Strapholds is hanging a weight from a strap from ironmind or a piece of think leather or belt and clamping it between the ends of a gripper. It makes your crush the handles down harder.

And im not 100% sure but I think when they say 2.7 its almost a #3. From my understanding they are rating it so if you have a hard #2 it might be a 2.4 or something.

Do choker closes with your #3. Choker closes works on the hardest part of the gripper(the close). And do overcrushes with the #2. And I have been told reps suck with grippers, dont know how true that is though.


To be stronger then I was last week.

I don't mean to be condescending(which means to talk down to)..........

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this 2. something stuff is confusing me - is the hg250 250lbs? why do the grippers vary??- im thinking now my number 2 could be easy, an my 3 could be hard - doesn't really seem fair but thats life i guess

im not sure if i understand the strap thing or not but ill look on the ironmind website

have no idea what you mean by choker closes an overcrushes?? looked em up on google an got nothing

Edited by viper
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Ironmind scale-#1-#4-Takeing other grippers such as HG's and BB's and rating them by their hardness when compared to the COC's.For instance a BB SM is considered to be a #2.5 aka the gripper directly inbetween the #2 and #3, take the poundage ratings that all the companys give and throw them out the window, that 250 you ordered will probly be the same as your #2 or weaker.

Strap holds-same concept as taking a quarter and trying to hold it inbetween the handles of a gripper expept in a straphold you find somthing you can attach weight to to hold inbetween the handles such as a strap of some sort, shoe strings work fine if you dont have anything else.

Choker Closes- take a hose clamp put it over the top of the handles and clamp it down so that the handles stay in one place such as a inch from open, then try and close the gripper from there.

Overcrushes- take a gripper you can close such as you #2 and crush the shit out of it for as long as possible, their called overcrushes because you are supposed to squeeze harder than the force it actually takes to close the gripper, really give it everything you have.

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it's not about the reps, for example, the most reps I've ever done on a 2 was 10. Probably more like 8 now, but I can close a #3. When you do reps, try to squeeze and grind the handles together on every rep (overcrush), and throw in some negatives. Look for a post about King Crusher, he could do 49 reps on the 2, but couldn't close the 3 consistently.

There is a natural order. The way things are meant to be. An order that says the good guys always win, that you die when it's your time or when you have it coming, that the ending is always happy-if only for someone else.

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this 2. something stuff is confusing me - is the hg250 250lbs? why do the grippers vary??- im thinking now my number 2 could be easy, an my 3 could be hard - doesn't really seem fair but thats life i guess

im not sure if i understand the strap thing or not but ill look on the ironmind website

have no idea what you mean by choker closes an overcrushes?? looked em up on google an got nothing

I hope this helps!


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then theres the #3 - ive attempted it about 5 times an it's never even came close - it feels like im trying to crush an iron bar or something! i can get it to about an inch off, maybe not even that, some people cant even move it

Two words: grip machine :whistel

"I have always been strong. I can only imagine what it is like to be weak" - Arthur Saxon

"Success cannot be guaranteed. There are no safe battles" - Sir Winston Churchill

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I think the grip machine is right, but perhaps more important -- Follow the advice of Wes! That guy closed a #3 at age 16 a few weeks ago. He said all he did was about 100 singles per day of the #2. This means, you only close the #2 once, then take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes or even a few hours rest, then do it for ONE more rep. Repeat doing singles, to full close, with full rests (around at least 30 seconds to 2 minutes), throughout the day. The proof is in the puddiing for this workout with Wes. Blew my mind when I saw the video of him closing the 3.

Jim Starr


no injury

Rep 2.5

bend Blue

Formulator Ext 10x20/Flex 10x60

strict OH Lever 12 lb

Lever wrist curl 10 lb

1H Plate Wrist Curl-metal:(R 5*33/L 3*33)-plastic:(R 1*35)

Hex Block >40


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so the hg250 is actually 195lbs or less?? not 250lbs - thats 55lbs difference - how can it be legal for them to advertise it at 250?

i honestly dont think closing this #2 i have for 1 rep alone a 1000 seperate times would get me to this #3 i have - the resistence levels are on another planet

overcrushing sounds like a good idea - ima do that from now on

ive heard that theres 2005 versions of the #3 - do these vary as much as the old ones? any difference??

how much can i get a good grip machine for?

cheers for the replys, helps a lot

>edit< - where can i get a bbsm??

Edited by viper
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Get the HG300 or a BB Super Master, work on closing these as a stepping stone to the #3. Put your #3 in a hose clamp, start at 1/8" or so, once you get 4-5 strong closes - open in up by another 1/8".

Don't Google for gripper terms/tech's - use the search button at the top of the page. Good luck.

Darren Malynn

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i can come very close to the #3 but i can rep the #2 between 4 to 9 times.

Maybe when you tried to crush the #3 you have already done 26 reps on the #2 and you were tierd.

Read about me in my biography.

Founder of Middle East and North Africa Grip Sports (MENA grip organization)

"I made him an offer he couldn't refuse"

― Marlon Brando

“We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?”

― Steve Jobs

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where do i put the hose clamp on it? is there different size hose clamps? how could i close the gripper with a clamp on it? im not really in the know about them

ive read on a website selling them that the beef builder super master is only 200lbs - i know ive been told to ignore these poundages but 200lbs is just like a number #2! wouldnt it be best to get the grand master or the elite (rated 230 and 265) ???

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Here is a list of grippers and how they rank. Forget the poundage numbers, they mean NOTHING. If you want a betweener buy a BBSM or a HG300:

Gripper List

Real Name: Heath Sexton

Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.


These hills and hollers are still my home

Some people call me Hillbilly

Some people call me Mountain Man
Well, you can call me Appalachia
‘Cause Appalachia is what I am

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where do i put the hose clamp on it? is there different size hose clamps? how could i close the gripper with a clamp on it? im not really in the know about them

ive read on a website selling them that the beef builder super master is only 200lbs - i know ive been told to ignore these poundages but 200lbs is just like a number #2! wouldnt it be best to get the grand master or the elite (rated 230 and 265) ???

Do not worry about the poundage. It meens nothing. Just worry about closing them ok. These guys know what they are talking about. Every gripper company has a different method of mesuring the poundage on the gripper , some measure it from the middle of the gripper some from the bottom. Again you do not need to worry about the pound of the gripper. The wire size of the gripper is more important then the actual rating of the gripper.


To be stronger then I was last week.

I don't mean to be condescending(which means to talk down to)..........

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Here is a list of grippers and how they rank. Forget the poundage numbers, they mean NOTHING. If you want a betweener buy a BBSM or a HG300:

Gripper List

I do not agree with you;my long term goal is also to close the #3 and therefore i bought the HG300 but this is a joke;my #2 is as strong as my HG300 and i have a IM 240 and this is a beast;i can do reps with the HG 300 but i can not close the IM 240.So buy the IM 210.

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how much can i get a good grip machine for?

where can i get a bbsm??

you can get an awesome grip machine from www.wwfitness.com which is the same website that sells the beefbuilder grippers which are also my favorite grippers. the bbsm is the perfect gripper you want in training for the #3, along with perhaps an elite.


MM close #3 - Done 9/22/05

Cert HG300 - Done 12/15/05

CCS close #3

#3 cert

MM0 cert

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Here is a list of grippers and how they rank. Forget the poundage numbers, they mean NOTHING. If you want a betweener buy a BBSM or a HG300:

Gripper List

I do not agree with you;my long term goal is also to close the #3 and therefore i bought the HG300 but this is a joke;my #2 is as strong as my HG300 and i have a IM 240 and this is a beast;i can do reps with the HG 300 but i can not close the IM 240.So buy the IM 210.

I wouldn't agree with Heath either...what the hell does HE know about closing grippers? :trout

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Here is a list of grippers and how they rank. Forget the poundage numbers, they mean NOTHING. If you want a betweener buy a BBSM or a HG300:

Gripper List

I do not agree with you;my long term goal is also to close the #3 and therefore i bought the HG300 but this is a joke;my #2 is as strong as my HG300 and i have a IM 240 and this is a beast;i can do reps with the HG 300 but i can not close the IM 240.So buy the IM 210.

Well, I honestly messed up typing HG 300 because I have never tried one, had that on the brain, should've been RB 240N. I have no idea what am IM 240 is, maybe you mean RB 240? If so, they are harder than a #2, a 240N will fall between a #2 and #3. So I say buy a BBSM or an RB 240N.

Real Name: Heath Sexton

Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.


These hills and hollers are still my home

Some people call me Hillbilly

Some people call me Mountain Man
Well, you can call me Appalachia
‘Cause Appalachia is what I am

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Here is a list of grippers and how they rank. Forget the poundage numbers, they mean NOTHING. If you want a betweener buy a BBSM or a HG300:

Gripper List

I do not agree with you;my long term goal is also to close the #3 and therefore i bought the HG300 but this is a joke;my #2 is as strong as my HG300 and i have a IM 240 and this is a beast;i can do reps with the HG 300 but i can not close the IM 240.So buy the IM 210.

WTF are you talking about? IM 240? Your 300 is a #2? And no body ever learns that reps mean nothing, and they always want to buy another gripper or a grip machine. Hide all your grippers exept the #3 for afew weeks and really work at that thing, then go buy somthing.

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another example of reps doesn't mean much is that the first teenage COC (jesse marunde) can rep the #2 28 times and the #3 10 times.

Edited by Alawadhi
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Read about me in my biography.

Founder of Middle East and North Africa Grip Sports (MENA grip organization)

"I made him an offer he couldn't refuse"

― Marlon Brando

“We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?”

― Steve Jobs

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jesse could rep the 2 many more times than that (was 27) - that was a long time ago an with just a minutes rest after 3 full reps on the #3 - jess doesn't like high rep stuff, but i personally think its good for the strongman (training for strongman myself) because its more about grip endurance than max strength in most events e.g. the main grip events winning time for wsm competitions is usually around 1 minute

but i definately NEED to get my max strength up an get this damn 3 - everybody telling me different things is confusing - i would like a 240lb and a 260lb (real poundages) if i could choose - so the bbsm is close enough at 255 - but the rb240 - what strength is that? im guessing its supposed to be 240lbs?? where can i buy one of these as well??

thanx for the real poundages list an the site link

Edited by viper
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Here is a list of grippers and how they rank. Forget the poundage numbers, they mean NOTHING. If you want a betweener buy a BBSM or a HG300:

Gripper List

I do not agree with you;my long term goal is also to close the #3 and therefore i bought the HG300 but this is a joke;my #2 is as strong as my HG300 and i have a IM 240 and this is a beast;i can do reps with the HG 300 but i can not close the IM 240.So buy the IM 210.

Well, I honestly messed up typing HG 300 because I have never tried one, had that on the brain, should've been RB 240N. I have no idea what am IM 240 is, maybe you mean RB 240? If so, they are harder than a #2, a 240N will fall between a #2 and #3. So I say buy a BBSM or an RB 240N.

I am sorry, you are right;i mean RB 240 and of course the RB 240 is harder than a #2;i just wanted to say that the HG 300 is not between the #2 and #3 ; it is like a #2 so it does not make sense to buy a HG 300 to get a harder gripper than the #2 and the RB 240 is too hard so buy the RB 210.

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