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Heavy Grips


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Hi Everyone first off I apologise if this topics been covered before but I cant find it.

I want a gripper between a coc2 and coc3 and have been looking at the Heavy Grip 250 hand grippers.Just wondered what people think of these? They are reasonably priced but I dont know how the stack up to other grippers

Thanks Mark

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Scott is absolutely right, the BB SM is a great inbetween gripper for the #2 and #3. But if you wanted to go with HGs, the HG300 would quite possibly be in there. I have tried a few that were about equal to my Super Master. The HGs feel different though (the knurling is slippery in comparison, and they are generally pretty narrow, usually 2 ½"), where as the Super Master will feel much more like the IM grippers.

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i have an hg300 that is like an easy #3, and i have read about some being like #2's. any super master i have tried is pretty much right in between a #2 and #3. if you don't mind paying a little extra definitely get the SM, its a way better quality gripper as well.

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Thanks for the advice.

Just out of interest has anyone tried a RB240 or 260 ,are these ratings ok.Im under a cm off a COC3 close and thought about a RB 260 but it might be harder than a 3 and would defeat the purpose.I have heard some good things about RB grippers wondered if anyone has used them here?

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Thanks for the advice.

Just out of interest has anyone tried a RB240 or 260 ,are these ratings ok.Im under a cm off a COC3 close and thought about a RB 260 but it might be harder than a 3 and would defeat the purpose.I have heard some good things about RB grippers wondered if anyone has used them here?

My RB240 is harder than my #3 and my 260 is wayyy harder than my #3.

I'd suggest a HG300 or the Super Master.

Failing that invest in a devils advocate and have whatever resistance you fancy.

The power of grip compels you

Rydini Of The Shire

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Thanks for the advice.

Just out of interest has anyone tried a RB240 or 260 ,are these ratings ok.Im under a cm off a COC3 close and thought about a RB 260 but it might be harder than a 3 and would defeat the purpose.I have heard some good things about RB grippers wondered if anyone has used them here?

The RB 240 Narrow is in the 2.2 to 2.4 range, depending on which #3 you compare it to. I have one of these and a Supermaster: the 240N is slightly easier than the Supermaster. They are very different grippers but I like both about equally.

At your level you might try the RB 260 narrow.

Edited by Grh122
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My RB240N is much more difficult than my SuperMaster. I put my SM at 2.4, and my RB240N at 2.8.


when i had my rb240n i rate it as a 2.8, as well, but my sm is at a 2.7. you should definitely get a sm if you a gripper between a 2 and a 3.

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Jethro D. Pugh's Worlds' Strongest Gripper

123 Jed's Way

Beverly Hills, Cali 90210

What is this about?? Some guy selling a strong gripper?? :mellow

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