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One-hand Pinch Lift With Two 25lb Plates


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Nice. Keep up the good work.

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Nice, hope to do that myself soon. How long did it take? How did you train?

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Congratulations! That's a good show of strength!

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Nice, hope to do that myself soon.  How long did it take?  How did you train?

I have been working on my pinch grip for about one year. I'm not sure exactly how long though.

I try to mix it up with different things: block weights, plate pinch, IronMind handles (pinch block and hub), plate hub lifts, tearing (phonebooks and cards).

EricMilfeld: Thanks. :)

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that is a great accomplishment for anyone now just add timed holds and you'll be doing the 35s next . just dont slack up like me i had the 45s almost licked but a slight layoff has did me in . :cry new years resolution . get back 100 percent into grip :D

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First, congrats on the 2 25s. That's something I bet no more than 5 guys in my entire gym can do.

Second, if you've got the IronMind loading pin you can use it to work weights in-between 2 25s (50) and 2 35s (70). For instance, tonight I couldn't get 2 35s (I'm just returning to pinch grip work), but I was able to load 2 25s and a 10 to the loading pin (which is about 4 pounds, iirc) and squeeze the 2 25s up while pulling a total of @64 lbs.

I assume Oldtime's idea of the pipe is along the same lines.

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First, congrats on the 2 25s. That's something I bet no more than 5 guys in my entire gym can do.

Really? There are about 8 guys in my high school gym that can. Maybe it's a Canadian thing. :tongue

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I know this isn't much to you guys, but I've been waiting a long time for it. :)


Good job. I can pinch 2 25 lb plates also and it took me awhile to do it also. I noticed that you had chalk dust on the plate. Do you really think it makes a differece how much you can do with chalk dust?

I usually switch between softball lifts and two 10 pound plates with weight attached to a chain.


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First, congrats on the 2 25s. That's something I bet no more than 5 guys in my entire gym can do.

Really? There are about 8 guys in my high school gym that can. Maybe it's a Canadian thing. :tongue

Must be !

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It seems like adding the pvc through the center hole would make the lift easier since you don't have to worry as much about squeeezing the two together. I wonder how much more weight you can add by inserting the pvc?

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