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I Love Towel Pullups


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Today I've tried them, after reading J. Brookfield's tips on IM. I don't have a rope, so I just put a towel over the bar. I think I will be doing A LOT of these from now on:)

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How are you doing them? I always seem them demonstrated with a single towel right in the middle held by both hands. I thought why not workout on multiple things by doing towel pullups shoulder-width apart. I started with rope from Home Depot but my hands slid down to the knot and was crushing my pinky, so I changed the rope to towels, and it is much better. Plus using towel instead of rope I found works better on your grip.

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I always did pull ups that way. All through college. Great stuff, hard on the fingers but it enabled me to make progress.

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I started with rope from Home Depot but my hands slid down to the knot and was crushing my pinky, so I changed the rope to towels

Did you use a single strand of rope?I could see that if you were using a single 1/2 or 3/4 inch piece of rope that it would be hard to get a good intitial grip on.

If you try several pieces bundled/tapes together it gives you an irregular diameter of 2+ inches or so -makes it really hard to support your weight with basically a "thick handled" rope. I have to say that I found the rope pullups harder on the grip than towel pullups. The bundled rope is much harder (more solid) than a towel and for me way harder to crush and hold on to. Either way the rope or towel provides a much different experience than regular chins!

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I was just reading up on one arm pullups on the web and saw this post. I use a strand from a 3" rope, the strand itself probably an inch and not a true rope. I use a 70lb dumbell pinched between my legs, some chalk and do 3 sets of 8 reps.

Wednesday I'll test myself and see how far from one arm pullup.

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