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Great Grip Articles...our Grip Forefathers


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I have tried over the years to build a strength library esp anything to do with grip. I think the articles about Australias Bruce White helped me the most to get a feeling for what was "world class" and great methods to train. I wish the grip board guys could put together a "grip list" of good articles for the rest of us to be able to learn from. I would like to start the ball rolling by strongly suggesting the following issues of the old Ironman magazine. The information to me was priceless! May 1983(vol 42 #4), July 1976 (vol35 #5), Sept 1976 (vol 36 #6), May(vol 20 #5), Nov 1976 (vol 36 #1). Remember, you fellows today that wish to "be famous" need to embrace the rich history of our past ("what is past is prolog") Good luck RS

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Great idea Richard! It's a book, not an article but I think "The Spiritual Journey of Joseph L. Greenstein" The Mighty Atom should be must reading for any grip athlete.

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Great idea Richard!      It's a book, not an article but I think "The Spiritual Journey of Joseph L. Greenstein"  The Mighty Atom should be must reading for any grip athlete.

I agree with you 100%. Serious reading.

Richard thanks for the solid grip information lead. I feel like you can never know enough and every little bit helps when climbing the steep mountains of strength.

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I started a three binder of articles divided by pinch, crush, pull, combat handstrength, supporting, and complimentary lifts. It is a great reference and I keep it in my classroom at school for the new and budding gripsters to read. It is part of my "if you are interested in hand strength then read these articles" talk. I will definitely order the back issues and add them. Thank you Richard.


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Where IS Joe?Tom Black as well...they were steady contributors.RS

Hi Richard!

I spend most of my time at my site these days, which is hosted by cyberpump.com


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Copyright seems like it lasts forever!!!  Based on this, anything published after 1/1/1964 is still under copyright for sure.  Things published before than may be.

Bahh. I was just gonna ask that if anyone posts an article and knows it to be online please post that as well. I don't mind trying to search out these articles but if they're online it saves a considerable amount of time.

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