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The Challenge Is On...


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the other nite in chat, gamidon and I had a good debate about genetics.

He says genetics play a role in certain feats of strength, i disagree.

So, he more or less challenged me to specialize in one specific feat, any feat that i choose.

So, i am choosing the #4 as my feat. Grippers will be the only hand strength exercise I work on until my goal is accomplished. No more bending, thickbar, blockwork, etc. Anything less than the #4 will be unacceptable.

I am not genetically gifted as far as hands go. I have sub 7" hands with my palms taking up the majority of that 7".

There is no set amount of time for this feat. I really have no time frame in mind in which i think i could accomplish the goal, but I will do it, through determination and hard work....not genetics.

#4.....Here i come.

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That is a hell of a commitment to make - nothing but grippers for potentially years on end.

FWIW though, I you'll meet your goal in short order!

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Good luck to you!

How long have you been grip training, how old are you, and what's your current PR in grippers?

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Awesome, ishred! I think genetics play a role, but they are only one factor. So good luck, I hope you make it.

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Good luck bro, keep us updated.

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Good luck to you!

How long have you been grip training, how old are you, and what's your current PR in grippers?

Only been grip training for 4-5 months....started taking it seriously a few weeks before the ggc...prior to that it was off and on. Current pr is hg250.....

there are no more pr's...all other grippers under the 4 are just stepping stones to my goal.

I got my #4 a few months ago, not seasoned at all.....I won't have a full close on it until I crush it.

thanks guys...i'll keep you posted on how its going.....but not by what gripper i close, but how close i am on the 4. every few weeks i'll make a #4 attempt and measure my distance.

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ishred, i am by no means the most experienced member here, not even close.....i will say this though.....YOU NEED MORE THAN JUST GRIPPERS!....for instance, how strong are your thumbs? you need some massively strong thumbs to even consider a #3, much less a #4...now with the credit card rule in place, you need strong hands period......like JB said, if you want to be good at bending nails, bend, and the same applies here, but i still feel you need to add at least something for thumb, like block work, to help with all around handstrength....that being said, good luck man....you will need it

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ishred, i am by no means the most experienced member here, not even close.....i will say this though.....YOU NEED MORE THAN JUST GRIPPERS!....for instance, how strong are your thumbs? you need some massively strong thumbs to even consider a #3, much less a #4...now with the credit card rule in place, you need strong hands period......like JB said, if you want to be good at bending nails, bend, and the same applies here, but i still feel you need to add at least something for thumb, like block work, to help with all around handstrength....that being said, good luck man....you will need it

if i need to strengthen my thumb i'll use a pony clamp. From what i've read on this board, doing other kinds of hand strength exercises (block work, thickbar, etc) hinder your crushing abilities. Sure, overall your hand gets stronger, but i'm looking for maximum crushing strength. If someone tells me block work helps crushing and has some sort of proof..then i'll incorporate it as needed.

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Pony clamps or the TTK is all you should need and will not

interfere with your grip strength. It is what I am currently doing.

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By the way...Best of luck in your quest. :rock

I,too, am a grip only specialist.

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How old are you? Do you have any 3's? Are you mashing them now?

Keep us posted.

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So, he more or less challenged me to specialize in one specific feat, any feat that i choose. 

So, i am choosing the #4 as my feat. Grippers will be the only hand strength exercise I work on until my goal is accomplished. No more bending, thickbar, blockwork, etc.  Anything less than the #4 will be unacceptable.

What's the wager?? Does he know about Joe Kinney? What about Nathan Holle?

What gripper can you close now? Good Luck!! :D

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Good luck. I look forward to hearing about your progress. Will deep sets be allowed on your wager or are you doing parallel or credit card? Keep us posted

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Good Challange, keep posting the updates and stay motivated. Like Raziel said, have you tried KTA? of not go for it, I'm not gifted either and it got me to closing the #3 in 4 months "haven't closed it since but that's another story". anyway Focus, Focus, Focus.

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Genetics determine your adaptations to training. That is all. Just as some people are smarter than others, some people are just naturally stronger.

BUT genetics are not a crutch, and neither is having a low SAT score. I think that if you try hard enough, almost anybody can do what they want to achieve. Good luck on the number 4, genetics might determine how fast you close it, but they won't determine if you close it.


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Gamidon and I didn't really make a bet, our conversation about genetics just lit a fire under my ass to do something if determination and focus is all achieving goals takes.

Currently, hg250 is my pr.....like i said, #3 and so on are only stepping stones to the 4.

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good luck on your goal.

but if your only doing a hg250 the 4 is going to be a ROCK.

not to mention your small hands,doesent help.

but get it done. hope you do it.

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Ishred, I wish you the best of luck and skill. Not to mention injury-free training. How easily are you closing the HG250 I sent you? Reps on it? Or strong singles? Either way, you sound very determined! GET 'ER DONE! :rock

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Ishred im going to try and stay right with you bro. After reading your post and seeing your determination I decided since I havent touched a gripper since the GGC and been bending to much I need to get back into grippers. I to will be on the quest for the #4 but im going to continue my other grip stuff. Keep me updated on your progress. If you close a #4 and I close a #4 yours would be 2x more impressive with your stumpy little fingers .. lol GOODLUCK BRO! I KNOW ITS POSSIBLE FOR YOU!!!

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