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Reverse Plate Pinching

Clay Edgin

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I have no idea what this is called, but "reverse plate pinching" sounds good enough. Take your regular 45lb plates and turn them so the flat sides are touching. Run a pipe through them. Grab from the top so only your fingertips and thumb tip get a hold of the plate. Now lift. I was able to get 115 to lockout like this in the right hand, but not in the left. Seems to test your pain tolerance as well, and it heavily stresses the thumb. I like these a lot.

I used the Standard brand plates that don't have a big lip on them. I also tried just forming a claw with the right hand and lifting the weight solely with my fingertips and it was a bit easier, but I was really after something that stressed the thumb and this is it. I'm hoping they help my fingertip strength which will carry over to thickbar and block weights.

Now if you'll excuse me, back to playing.

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I have often wondered about this. I always carry my 45lb plates by the lip over to the squat rack. I figured it was good for somthing. *shrugs*

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When I first read "reverse plate pinching", I thought of two plates, a fixed distance apart, that you put your hand between and then OPENED it inside and lifted the weights that way... like for extensors. The exact opposite of pinching.

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I sometimes carry metal plates in the gym so that my fingers are on the smooth side and the tip of my thumb under the lip. I only apply enough force with the fingers so that the plate doesn't drop.


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Yeah, I'm putting my thumb under the lip of the plate. It works the thumb a lot, which is the main reason I like it.

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Nice idea Clay!

It's always great to find another thumb exercise! The thumbless form of this would "crimp" my style -bad attempt at a joke, I vaguely recall a post about crimp pinching basically pinching with the hand pad and fingers with no thumb :laugh


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