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Working Grip Proves To Lower Blood Pressure

Clay Edgin

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Grip lowers blood pressure when done at 30% of 1RM according to the article. I'm not sure if negatives have as good of an effect on blood pressure :pinch

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Their gripper probably resembles the Johnny Bravo model you were struggling with last Friday!!

Mike M.

Edited by supersqueeze
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"Their handgrip is more sophisticated than commercial models, according to a news release."

Wow, sounds like it might even be more sophisticated than that executive gripper on e-bay...

Interesting article. My coworkers swear I'm getting ready to blow a vein after an all out attempt. I get so weak immediately afterwards that my quads hurt! One time my eyes got bloodshot. Nowhere near Kinney's fingernail bleeding though.

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I get so weak immediately afterwards that my quads hurt! One time my eyes got bloodshot. Nowhere near Kinney's fingernail bleeding though.

Yea. I sure would like to know what the blood pressure is when you tring to close that last 1/16th of an inch on a hard gripper AND IT WON'T BUDGE.

Actually maybe I don't want to know.

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