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Wrist Curls


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Hey guys,

I have decided to do wrist curls along with my wrist rolling and sledge levering. There are two main reasons I decide to start doing wrist curls.

1. Everyone here seems to recommend it for size.

2. I have noticed that wrist rolling seems to work the muscle near my elbow, and not the one that is in the middle of my forearm (not the one that most people flex). I do not know if this happens to everyone, buts its my experience so far.

I don't think I need reverse wrist curls because I am working the muscles that reverse wrist curls work already with the wrist roller. Normal wrist curls (the motion that you use) seem to build the muscle in the middle of the forearm that is usually being flexed by people.

I have thought about wrapping electrical tape around the middle of a heavy dumbell because I don't have a thick bar for the dumbell and increasing the volume I work every session (instead of moving up the weight). When I read a very high number of sets I will go out and buy a heavier dumbell, or somehow attach weights to the current dumbell (I don't go to the gym). Do you guys think that this is a good idea? I mean regarding making the dumbell thicker and increasing the number of sets each time until the weight becomes too light for me.

I will also go out and buy as heavy a dumbell as I can handle - one that I can't do more than 5 reps continuously on. That way I will move up slowly but surely to many sets of around 12-15 reps.

Any suggestions or comments from the more experienced grip enthusiasts?

Thanks guys,


Edited by Santa Clawz
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Thickening the dumbell bar is a good idea. Use tape or tape on thick rubber mating cut to fit. You ask about increasing volume - it depends what you are after. If you are looking for endurance use higher reps. If you are looking for strength use higher weight.

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