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Walking On Fingers


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I have searched through the forum and read a couple of threads about "bear walking" or walking on the fingers. What does this actually do to improve your hands? How do you perform it? Do you organized it according to how long you walk or is it just casual?

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Guest Albert

I use it as a "finisher". After working with block weights (a heavy ammo can) and grippers. I just walk around a little until I feel my hands starting to fail.

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It's simply walking around with only your feet and hands, fists or fingertips on the ground. Usually a light finishing or warm-up/active recovery type of work for the hands, wrists, shoulder girdle and hips. You can count "steps" or go for time. You can make it more intense by holding weights in your hands. I Bearwalk on active recovery days on fingertips up and down stairs. The downstairs part obviously puts more weight on the hands.

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Think of it like fingertip pushups, only more hardcore. Good for toughness, and tendon and ligiment strength in the hands. I think there was an old Brookfield grip tip about doing it with block weights in each hand.

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