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Could Someone Please Answer This For Me


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What is the handle like on a plate loaded, thick handled dumbell trainer (for the Thomas Inch)? Is it completely round? Does it roll like the RT? The reason I ask, is because I hit a 165 on my holle it up dumbell trainer with the handle in the easiest position, however, when I put the handle in the hardest position (where it cams/rolls) I could barely get 100lbs.

At my competition, they are going to have the regular plate loaded. I am trying to get one, but I am not having any luck and have very little time left. I'm just trying to get an idea of where I am strength wise and what attempts I will be looking at for my comp.

Thanks in advance guys.

Edited by BigFatPowerlifter
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my uninformed 2cents

I believe the inch handle is 2-3/8 diameter. it should be completely round. The handle should be locked to the bar and depending how tight they stack the plates, they could spin or be stationary. I guess for total realism the plates shouldnt move. Hopefully they lock the plates on tight. having just the handle roll around is alot different that having the whole 170+ lbs rolling around. (Momentum)

good luck!


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I belelive to accurately simulate the Inch you would need a plate loaded handle with plates so tightly attached that the whole thing rotated as one solid piece. Just having a handle that rotates while the plates stay in one place feel different than when an entire dumbell is moving.

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The real inch is 2-3/8", the 2.47 is a harder challeng inch dumbell reproduction. I do not recall it's specific name. There is a 154lbs. inch too. Obviously these along with inch trainers, are not the same thing.

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Thanks guys, but right now I am just concerned with what the loadable dumbell is like. That is what I will have to use for the competition. I am not training to lift the real Thomas Inch right now (although I would like to in the future) I am training to lift as much as possible on the loadable so any further information would be greatly appreciated.

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You are going to need to find out if using chalk is going to help or hurt you.

If the finish is really slick, it might not help you to use chalk - it might actually hinder you even more. You need to try a couple of different times to find this out.

If you come to the conclusion that chalk is going to make it tougher, have a towel there with you and wipe that sucker down before every attempt you get.

A little slobber on your hand might help out too, but don't get yourself disqualified from the event. Check with the head ref to see if it is going to be allowed.


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My instinct would be that it is very unlikely you would be allowed to openly use some slobber on your hand, but as Jedd said, best to check. Or do it on the QT!! :D

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Mine has a slick handle and I have been cleaning it and my hands with alcohol before I lift to get any grease from my skin off. I have heard of guys using paint thiner. I'm going to try the slobber idea next time. Thanks.

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