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Negatives with Gripper?

Guest peker

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Hello all!  I was hoping someone could clarify what is meant by a "negative" when using the CoC gripper?  In my mind, it is either:

a)  closing the gripper, then holding it closed for some period of time, or until failure

2)  closing the gripper, then slooooowly opening it back up

Is either right?  Is there any advantage to performing negatives with a gripper than you can't quite close yet?  I can close my #2 every 2nd or 3rd try, and have set a goal to be able to do a set of 5 with both hands in the next 6 months.

Thanks for any insight,


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A negative with a gripper is when you force it closed (with both hands, for example) and resist its opening with one hand. Usually people take a gripper they cannot close (with one hand) for this.

It's easier with a grip machine though.

your goals seem very reasonnable if you train smart (i.e.dont overtrain in the long run)

good luck

train hard


(Edited by the swiss at 8:29 am on Oct. 24, 2001)

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Thank you!  I've been training my grip twice per week right now, as everything is stacked against me getting enough rest and recovery time (I've got two very small kids, I'm an old fart, and I work 11 hour days).  I basically wait until the pain subsides from the previous workout before going again.

I'll give some serious attention to negatives with the #2 now.



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Closing the gripper or lifting any weight is positive movement

Holding the griper closed or holding a weight in the fully contracted position is isometric hold, in the fully contracted position (you can do this in any position). Opening the gripper slowly or lowering any weight slowly is negative.

Negatives cause a deeper inroad into the muscle strength way more than regular closing and opening or holding it shut. This higher inroad means higher intensity. The higher the intensity the better. This is because a muscle can hold (isometric in fully contracted position) a weight say of X that muscle can lift X – 20% and lower (negative) X + 20%. Proper negatives only occur when your positive (lifting strength) and isometric strength fail. By this you can see that you will have to somehow be able to force the gripper shut by some other means (use both hands and involve the chest muscles) then open it as slow as possible. Stop when the gripper opens in less than 2 seconds or feels out of control.

Negative only work does work faster than any other means of training but it is extremely intense and the first couple of times you will get very, very sore but it goes away after a couple of workouts. I employ neg only work until the weight feel out of control. It works very well for me but you must rest long enough for the muscle to recuperate and get stronger. If you exercise to soon you will negate all the added benefit this type of exercise will give you.

Try it and if you need help feel free to e-mail.

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