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John Breznek Gripper Technique, Thoughts?

Stephen Ruby

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I'm sure many of you have seen john close the 1.5 gripper turning his wrist in, I have been playing with this technique recently as I am training with grippers again and its surprisingly challenging even with a trainer after a few reps. I feel it a lot more in my wrist and it engages my pinky and ring finger more. Now obviously it seems pretty dangerous especially with heavier gripper but has anyone tried it out with anything heavier? I don't have a coc #1 anymore after it broke or I would try it with that but its out of the question for a #3 but I heard rumors he was able to do it with a #3, I'm pretty skeptical of it but I'm curious if anyone has tried it with a #1.5 or 2 and how it felt

Edited by Stephen Ruby
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I have not tried it, but it sure looks interesting, so I think I will give it a try.

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Some guy was posting about this awhile back. I was able to do a coc 1 like this but it's tough. A 3 like this doesn't seem possible. Brzenk actually stated he can't close a coc 3 regular way so he ain't doing one this way I'm sure.

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I have never tried closing a gripper like this before, but I may give it a shot. Gripper training can get kind of boring at times so trying stuff like this helps keep things fresh.

Edited by Chez
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The more you gooseneck your wrist the harder this gets I remember.

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I always thought he shut the gripper the normal way, then flexed his forearm for the pic.

In the ironmind article where the pic is from it mentions this is the way he trains on grippers. Playing with just the trainer you will feel it in the wrist a lot, not sure if its the 'good way' in terms of arm wrestling but you do feel its more intense. Their is kind of a sweet spot with how much you turn the wrist. You can't really do TNS closes in this position but MMS set closes are possible with wrist turned in(well with easy trainer at least). I don't know if its very useful or safe to be honest but I was looking for ways to make easier grippers harder and this was one way that worked.

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Looks like a great way to get hurt.

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Only had a CoC #1.5 on me and tried it, seems very hard to even turn your wrist and when you do, your hand just opens up!! Feels very weird on my ligaments and tendons in my wrist . . . maybe those with stronger wrists may have a better chance??

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Is Johns gripper even shut?

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All I know is that this really hurts my wrist. Like the tendons or whatever are going to explode out the back.

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It should be somewhat of an indicator that so many guys, including really strong grip guys, say this feels weird or just "not right" in their wrists. I think this one is a recipe for injury. I also highly doubt John does this much.. perhaps he was asked to just close a gripper for the camera and he did it this way, and the photo turned out nice, his forearm looked huge (as always) and it makes for great promo for grippers.

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Not sure how often he trained like this, but I am pretty certain I read an article a few years back where he said he trains grippers in this fashion exclusively for the strain it put on the wrist tendons. I think he said he would close the gripper and then hook the wrist afterward very slowly.

As most have said, I tried this at one time and it hurt really bad and seemed easy to get injured. But, one thing you guys have to remember about JB is that he is used to this type of strain. He has had the BEST in the world pulling on his hand, arm, and wrist for 30 years. I think his wrist can probably handle the pressure a little more easily than the the average grip guy like me.

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Be careful if you try this. I've injured my wrist doing this with a #1 before.

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If I remember right one of my AW buddies who knows John asked him about this one time and John said no he doesn't train like that. Was just some kinda photo op thing where he was asked to try it and a pic was snapped.

- Aaron

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Is Johns gripper even shut?

This. It's definitely not closed.

I also believe that is a #2 in the photo. I think that photo pre-dates the #1.5. Not positive though.

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